Striking colors and striking patience is how I see this common water bird, the Little Blue Heron. I can’t stop photographing him! 🙂 These 3 shots are typical of this bird and they were shot from a moving boat! But he didn’t move! 🙂

See more in my Little Blue Heron GALLERY.
¡Pura Vida!
That is your premier photo!
Thank you Ellen! I do think it is one of the better ones from this trip, but then there are so many different kinds of photos to make in every corner of this beautiful little country that I have trouble deciding what is “best!” 🙂 It is such a joy to find new photo images that I like and this Little Blue Heron is just one of them! This particular heron is quite photogenic! See my Little Blue Heron Gallery for at least two more “favorite shots” of this little fellow . . .