I did a very quick and sloppy photo of each page of all my scrapbooks when I moved to Costa Rica because I simply don’t have the space for the many boxes of scrapbooks. I have now put those scrapbook page photos in galleries under the locations where I lived at the time. All the photos are not great and a few blurry, but it is all I have now. Also see below the list my “Disclaimer” page from one of these scrapbooks concerning the original scrapbooks from my marriage that Ginger took and I never got to copy, thus 1970-1989 I tried to remake with what photos I could find or copy, but not the same as the original scrapbooks, all of which I made. Ginger would never make them, but she took them. Yet what I rebuilt for those years and all the other years of personal scrapbooks together (65 scrapbooks) make up the best and most personal biography or story of my life.
LETTERS: Mom saved most of the letters that I wrote her over the years and they tell a story too! All her saved mail was photographed and saved by years in my photo galleries under the places I lived in those years. They include all her mail but most is letters from me. They are linked to on Mom’s Page and also linked on the main page of my Journals web pages.
CLICK a title to go to that scrapbook.
- 2012 portion of my 2011-2012 Scrapbook while living at McKendree Retirement Village, Hermitage, TN — MY LAST SCRAPBOOK for whatever reasons I don’t remember.
- 2011-2012 Scrapbook, Row 8.9n Rowhouse, North Nashville, TN
- 2010 Scrapbook, Row 8.9n Rowhouse, North Nashville, TN
- 2009 Scrapbook, Row 8.9n Rowhouse, North Nashville, TN
- 2008 Scrapbook, Row 8.9n Rowhouse, North Nashville, TN
- 2006-2007 Scrapbook, Row 8.9n Rowhouse, North Nashville, TN
- 2005 Scrapbook, Row 8.9n Rowhouse, North Nashville, TN
- 2003-2004 Scrapbook, Row 8.9n Rowhouse, North Nashville, TN
- 2001-2002 Scrapbook, The Gambia, West Africa & Return to Nashville
- 1999-2000 Scrapbook, The Gambia, West Africa & Preparation
- 1999 Scrapbook, Germantown townhouse, Nashville
- 1998 Scrapbook, portion while living in Germantown, Nashville
- 1998 Scrapbook, portion while living in Hickory Valley Condos, Nashville
- 1997 Juli Memorial Book 2, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1997 Juli Memorial Book 1, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1997 Letters, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1997 Solo Trip to Disney World, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1997 Scrapbook, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1997 Disneyworld Solo Scrapbook, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1996 Scrapbook, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1995-96 Juli Journal & Certificates, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1995 Dad’s Memorial Book, Nashville, Tennessee & Hot Springs, Arkansas
- 1995 Scrapbook, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1994 Scrapbook + Letters + Juli Journal, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1993-1994 Juli School Journal, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1993 Scrapbook, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1992 Scrapbook, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1991 Scrapbook, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville
- 1990 Scrapbook, Hickory Valley Condos, South Nashville, Jun-Dec
- 1990 Scrapbook, Rental House, Nolensville Road, Nashville, Jan-May
- 1989 Scrapbook, Rental House, Nolensville Road, Nashville, Nov-Dec
- 1978-89 Scrapbooks(6), Photos & Letters, Belmont-Hillsboro Neighborhood, Nashville
- 1977-78 Scrapbook, Donelson Neighborhood, Nashville
- 1975-1977 Scrapbook, Pleasant Grove Neighborhood, Dallas, TX
- 1969-75 Scrapbooks (6), Photos & Letters, Memphis, TN
- 1969-1970 Scrapbook, Single at Brotherhood Commission, Memphis, TN
- 1967-1969 Scrapbook, Hillcrest Church, Dallas, TX
- 1965-1967 Scrapbook, Miami Springs, FL
- 1965-1967 Letters to Mom from Miami Springs, FL
- 1962-65 Scrapbooks (2), Photos & Letters, Fort Worth & Dallas TX
- 1960-62 Scrapbooks (4), Photos & Letters, Arkadelphia, AR
- 1958-59 Scrapbooks (2), Photos & Letters, Norman, OK
- 1955-58 Scrapbooks (3). Photos & Letters, Tulsa, OK
- 1947-55 Scrapbooks (8), Photos & Letters, El Dorado, AR
- 1940-47 Scrapbooks (3), Photos & Letters, 5 towns in Arkansas

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