There are 3 species of toucans on each side of Costa Rica with the Keel-billed and Yellow-throated on both sides and a different Aracari (smaller toucan) on each side, Collared Aracari on the Caribbean (Atlantic) side and Fiery-billed Aracari on the Pacific slopes. And of course this past week I was in the Caribbean. Here’s two shots of each species with a link to my gallery for that species if you want to see more and different photos. One photo for the email notice and then the three galleries online . . .

And as always, click an image to see it larger . . .
Yellow-throated Toucan
The most frequently seen toucan in Tortuguero this trip . . .
For more photos, see my Yellow-throated Toucan GALLERY.
Read about the Yellow-throated Toucan, Ramphastos ambiguus, on eBird. He is listed as “Near Threatened.”
Keel-billed Toucan
This is the most popular with the tourists! He has the most colorful bill and was model for the Fruit Loops Cereal cartoon toucan . . .
For more photos of this one, see my Keel-billed Toucan GALLERY.
Read about the Keel-billed Toucan, Ramphastos sulfuratus, on eBird. He is also listed as “Near Threatened.”
Collared Aracari
Smaller than either of the above two, this one is the same size as his cousin on the Pacific Slope, the Fiery-billed Aracari, but colored differently, especially the beaks. Below I will link to both Aracari galleries so you can compare . . . 🙂
For more photos of this one, see my Collared Aracari GALLERY.
Read more about the Collared Aracari, Pteroglossus torquatus, on eBird. He is not listed as endangered like the other two.
And if you want to compare him to his cousin on the Pacific Slope (where I live and what comes to my yard) see my Fiery-billed Aracari GALLERY, the best shots made in my garden of course! 🙂
¡Pura Vida!
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