White Angled-Sulphur

I’m back to sharing photos from my garden and this particular butterfly has been quite numerous the last few days. And more interesting than some of the many other Whites that I’m getting now. Here’s two shots from this week and you can see more in my White Angled-Sulphur Gallery. The scientific name is Anteos clorinde and they are residents from Argentina up to Mexico, putting Costa rica near the center. Here’s two shots . . .

White Angled-Sulphur, Atenas, Costa Rica
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Maquenque 2024 Trip Gallery

Being quarantined at home with Covid means I can give more time to finishing my photos from the July trip to Maquenque Eco Lodge and I now have that “Trip Gallery” finished, which I’m pleased with. It is Costa Rica Trip #121 and I continue to feel my trip galleries are the best.

You can click on the first page below to go there or if prefered, here’s the web address: https://charliedoggett.smugmug.com/TRIPS/2024-July-4-9-Maquenque-Eco-Lodge

CLICK on above image to go to the trip gallery.

¡Pura Vida!

And Maquenque Lodge Website

4 Hummingbirds

There were oh so many more hummingbirds at Maquenque, but I’m getting too “slow on the draw” to capture these fast and constantly moving birds. And these four shots aren’t real good, but at least I got some that aren’t Rufous-tailed H, which is all I get at home now. 🙂 Here’s a shot of each of four different species of hummingbirds and only a tiny sample of what’s at Maquenque throughout the forests and gardens.

Stripe-throated Hermit Hummingbird, Maquenque Eco Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica

See more in my Stripe-throated Hermit Gallery.

Continue reading “4 Hummingbirds”

2 Satyrs at Maquenque

There are many species of Satyrs (mostly very small) at Maquenque Eco Lodge or almost anywhere else you go in Costa Rica, but I photographed only these two on this visit. The Carolina Satyr , Hermeuptychia sosybius, is one that I also see regularly in my garden in Atenas, while the Simple Satyr, Magneuptychia alcinoe, I’ve seen two other times (At Hotel Banana Azul & Xandari Resort). Those names are linked to my gallery on each, if you wish to see more. Or if you explore my Brushfoots Galleries you will see that I have photos of 21 different species of Satyrs! And to me they are all amazing! 🙂 Here’s the two seen last week . . .

Carolina Satyr, Maquenque Eco Lodge, Costa Rica
Simple Satyr, Maquenque Eco Lodge, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

Maquenque Eco Lodge Website


This was my favorite Bee shot and there is one more from this trip to Maquenque in my Bees Gallery. It is not as good a shot of the bee but on an interesting frilly-white water flower among the lily pads.

Bee at Maquenque Eco Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica.

¡Pura Vida!

Common Mexican Tree Frog

While waiting on the guide to get our group together for the boat trip this morning on Rio San Carlos, I noticed someone photographing something in one of the flowerbeds in front of the dining room. I checked it out and got both front and side/back views of this Common Mexican Tree Frog because the flowerbed had a sidewalk on two sides. 🙂 Got a lot of photos on the boat trip, but these two were my favorites today!  🙂  And a new species for me too! 🙂 And notice how different his front and back are! It’s the same frog photographed on the same flower from two directions.

Common Mexican Tree Frog, Maquenque Eco Lodge & Reserve, Costa Rica
Common Mexican Tree Frog, Maquenque Eco Lodge & Reserve, Costa Rica

You can read more about this Mexican Tree Frog, (Smilisca baudinii) on Wikipedia. And to see more of my fun frog photos, including several other tree frogs, go to my Amphibians Costa Rica Galleries (50+). 🙂

¡Pura Vida!

New Species: White-striped Longtail

I shake my head in amazement that I keep getting photos of new butterfly species in my own garden in the little coffee farming town of Atenas in the Central Valley of Costa Rica. But here is another one seen last week for the first time: White-striped Longtail, Chioides albofasciatus (linked to my gallery with more photos). And you can see on the butterfliesandmothsMAP that they’ve only been reported from the SW U.S. and Mexico until now, but they are know to appear as far south as Argentina.

White-striped Longtail, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
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Flora Volcán or Pagoda Flower

I planted a Pagoda Flower, Clerodendrum paniculatum, in my yard last year after seeing several large shrubs with many flowers in two or more lodges. (They were introduced here from SE Asia.) Mine seems to be “just hanging on” with two stems shooting up, one flower each, but nothing like what I had hoped for. Maybe this year it will grow into a bush and give me more than just 2 flowers. 🙂 Here’s two shots from the other day . . .

Volcano or Pagoda Flower in my garden, Atenas, Costa Rica
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Crab’s Claw Heliconia

The rainy season is the big time for Heliconia flowers and this year in my garden they are massing on one side for some reason. I thought I would share what I see when I look out of my kitchen window while washing dishes! 🙂

Crab’s Claw Heliconia, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica.

¡Pura Vida!