Ready to rumba? SOUTH AMERICA is the American Continent with my least amount of travel thus far, but I expect to add more, hopefully soon! 🙂 It’s just that I stay so excited about the many places yet to visit in my new home of Costa Rica that I don’t have time or money to travel internationally! 🙂 By the way, the feature photo at top is of the rare and prehistoric Hoatzin Bird found only in the upper Amazon River basin, my rarest bird photo yet! The above photo is of dancers in Cartagena, Columbia, one of my most colorful South American shots that I really like! And here’s another favorite more “arty” photo:

Two weeks in Brazil was quite an adventure, with each week quite different (one people-focused & one nature-focused) with both being very memorable! Thus two galleries! See the photos for now and I hope to soon be writing here about the experiences, my feelings, and the cool people I met.
Likewise the one day in Columbia was culturally stimulating and fun, just not long enough! 🙂 I would also love to go birding in another part of Columbia and in Ecuador with Ecuador having the additional draw of seeing a different part of the Amazon River to compare with my Brazilian Amazon experience. So much to see! 🙂
South America Travel Pages (Stories coming later)
South America Travel Photo Galleries

- 2011 May 3 – Cartagena, Columbia
- 2006 August 24-31 — Amazon Rainforest Trekking, Mamiraua Brazil
- 2006 August 17-23 – Amazon River Mission Trip, Brazil, Purus River

As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was about to happen.
– Winnie the Pooh