Jerry (my brother) was very proud and greatly disliked asking for any kind of help, but after he was diagnosed with cancer and his physical stamina was going down, he accepted that he needed help and somehow I was the only one usually available with Bonnie in one situation. His humility made me humble and I felt so satisfied with every effort I made to help him while still letting him make the choices and not telling him what to do or how to do it.
I would like to write more here later on about our relationship over the years and more about these specific activities, but this is a start:
The Diagnosis & Earlier Visits 2002-2005
- Diagnosis: Mantel Cell Lymphoma
- 2003 Photos of Bonnie & I with Jerry at the “Gift of Life Transplant House” in Rochester after his stem cell transplant.
- May-June 2005 Visit with Jerry PHOTOS including my beginning the Great River Road which I finally finished in 2010. I like to turn everything into an adventure! 🙂

Moving Jerry to Rochester Nov. 2005

- December 2007 – Helping Jerry with trips to Mayo Clinic and personal m
- maintenance. A photo gallery of the visit.
- February 2008, the Final Weeks with Jerry – a photo gallery
- My Journal Entries during that time
Spreading His Ashes
- September 2008 at Bear Den Landing on the Headwaters of the Mississippi River – A Photo Gallery.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28