El Dorado was in the DeSoto Area Council of Boy Scouts for South Arkansas and the council camp was called Camp Logoly, near El Dorado with a small lake for swimming . I went the first time in 1952 as a 12 year old, my first week-long camp ever and continued the 2 more years through 1954. There is no record that I can find of me going in 1955, my last summer in El Dorado, possibly it conflicted with our big summer vacation to Panama City or I thought I was too old as a 15 year old, don’t remember.
I do remember liking the camp and better than the one summer I went to church camp. I was just really big into scouts and all of the outdoors and woodsy activities like hiking and camping and campfires, campcrafts, etc. I believe it was the summer of ’54 that I was inducted into The Order of the Arrow at Camp Logoly. It is a special Indian-themed camping honor for older Boy Scouts chosen at one of the campfires during your week at summer camp.
Camp Logoly Camp Logoly Camp Logoly Camp Logoly Camp Logoly Camp Logoly

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