New Book for a Special Place

Hotel Banana Azul is my #1 source of butterfly photos and thus they get another book just for butterflies found on their property and nearby reserves. If you are going to the Costa Rica Caribbean and love butterflies, then you will want to take a copy of this book with you, featuring 61 species of butterflies photographed there! One of a kind book! 🙂 And why I’m introducing this week? Because Blurb is offering a “Black Friday Sale” of 50% off photo books! And I’m about to do another book also, for the same reason! 🙂

See all the pages in the free preview at:

Or click this image of the book cover:

CLICK this cover image to see the free preview.

¡Pura Vida!

Caribbean Trip Gallery Finished!

And of course there are many more blog posts I intended to write on this almost annual trip to the Atlantic Coast of Costa Rica, but the opening of a new art gallery is demanding all of my time now! Maybe more later. In the meantime if you are interested in Costa Rica’s Caribe South, I hope you will check out this quite extensive “Trip Gallery” with all of my decent photos included in category folders by clicking the Page 1 Gallery Pix below or going to this address:

CLICK this 1st page image to OPEN GALLERY

BUTTERFLIES are the real stars this year! 🙂

¡Pura Vida!

34 Butterfly Species + Busy Schedule

I finally got through all my butterfly photos made on the property at Hotel Banana Azul in Costa Rica’s Caribe South and they total 34 species! Unfortunately I have 11 different Skippers labeled “Unidentified” and I really need some better sources to help with identification. I am including two photos here and one is an unidentified Yellow or Sulphur. You can see all of the 34 species in my Banana Azul 2023 Butterfly GALLERY. And this is in addition to all those already reported on from Gandoca-Manzanillo and Cahuita reserves making a total of 54 species! 🙂

Definitely one of the Spreadwing Skippers, but not specifically identified.
One of the Yellows or Sulphurs but again not specifically identified.

And oh yeah, the feature photo at the top of post has been identified as a Pompeius Skipper, Pompeius pompeius.

¡Pura Vida!

¡Muy ocupado! — Very Busy!

Read on for why I am behind on my blog posts now and what is happening in my personal life, from my new “free” doctors to helping open a new art gallery in Atenas . . .

Continue reading “34 Butterfly Species + Busy Schedule”

Leaves, Lichens & Nature Things

Sometimes it’s the little things that are usually ignored that become my biggest discoveries in nature and my Leaves & Nature Things! GALLERY has 20 of these discoveries that I found at Hotel Banana Azul and there were more such nature things I shared in the Cahuita and Gandoca-Manzanillo sub-galleries, but click the above link for Hotel Banana Azul. And here’s just one leaves shot and one mushroom! Plus email readers must click the title above to see my feature photo & favorite leaf shot! 🙂

Caribbean Rainforest, Costa Rica
Caribbean Rainforest Mushroom, Costa Rica

Leaves & Nature Things! at Hotel Banana Azul.

¡Pura Vida!

Fun Tropical Insects

I did a post on “Other Insects” at Banana Azul earlier but did not include these 6 bugs that are all unidentified for now (and maybe for a long time). 🙂 I never cease to be amazed at the variety, colors, patterns and just the appearance of so many different insects here in Costa Rica. I will not label or comment on these 6 but just share the photos below . . .

Continue reading “Fun Tropical Insects”

Half My Banana Azul Butterflies

I initially was able to identify only about 15 of the 30 or more species of butterflies photographed at Hotel Banana Azul. Most of the remainder of the butterflies are various types of Skippers and hopefully I will eventually identify most of them! 🙂 I’m getting behind again, so not sure when I will get them posted but maybe tomorrow. I’m working on posts only 4 days ahead now, so we will see. 🙂

Arawacus Togarna, Hotel Banana Azul, Puerto Viejo, Limón, Costa Rica
Continue reading “Half My Banana Azul Butterflies”

Four-lined Whiptail

The Four-lined Whiptail (Chisbala de Cuatro Rayas) – Holcosus quadrilineatus is a medium-sized lizard found in the lowlands of both coasts of Costa Rica. There are three other similar lizards in Costa Rica. Here’s a couple of my shots of one at Hotel Banana Azul on the Beach Road.

Four-lined Whiptail, Hotel Banana Azul, Puerto Viejo, Limón
Four-lined Whiptail, Hotel Banana Azul, Puerto Viejo, Limón

See all of my CR Lizards GALLERIES.

¡Pura Vida!

Aging Slider or Mud Turtle

There is a little channel of water on two sides of the outdoor restaurant in Hotel Banana Azul with lots of Mesoamerican Sliders swimming and some fish. This one attracted my attention as he rested on these floating plants and though most likely a Slider, because he doesn’t show the usual yellow stripes on his neck, I gave the option of Mud Turtle in the title. 🙂

Most likely an aging Mesoamerican Slider, though possibly a Mud Turtle at Banana Azul.
Most likely an aging Mesoamerican Slider, though possibly a Mud Turtle at Banana Azul.

¡Pura Vida!


15% OFF my Nature Photo Books!

October 3, 2023 through October 5, 2023 -THREE DAYS ONLY! You can order any of my photo books in My Blurb Bookstore at 15% off the price. At checkout use the Discount Code: BOOKFLASH15

I recommend my Costa Rica: A Nature Portfolio, which includes all my genres from birds and butterflies to sunsets and landscapes – A PERFECT COFFEE TABLE BOOK! Click the above title to see a free preview of every page!

¡Pura Vida!