With 6,400 different species of Katydids worldwide, this one may not even have an “official” name yet. Another amateur photographer online called it “Flat-faced Katydid” which is certainly descriptive but I’m not going to give it a name until I find an official entomology name for it – but it is a cool bug that we saw on the “Farm Tour” at Maquenque Ecolodge & Reserve a week or so ago (time is blurring on me now). 🙂
Here are three different views of what I am pretty sure is one of the many Katydids . . .

¡Pura Vida!
“Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay out eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain.”
~Henry David Thoreau
See More Insects Gallery for additional strange & interesting bugs here in Costa Rica.
And I’m still working on the Maquenque 2022 Trip Gallery, but I will be finished soon! 🙂
Very Interesting!!!