A Weekly Blog Post?

A Change in the Blog . . .

I am thinking about a purpose and need for this blog, my goals, and what the 20 to 100 actual readers per day want to see here.  (Tell me!)

As I re-evaluate the blog I see it in danger of becoming a personal journal, more about me than my original purpose of “How to Retire in Costa Rica” or now about “Being Retired in Costa Rica.” My retirement hobbies of travel, birding and photography don’t speak to all, but that’s a given.

Beginning this coming weekend, my new “trial approach” is to post only one weekly, quality article on Friday, Saturday or Sunday (flexible day).  I will seek to:

  1. Use fewer/better photos with a gallery link for those wanting more.

  2. Try for shorter, easier to read posts. This is already too long!   🙂

  3. Try to include some “inspiration” though not always my purpose.

  4. Try to improve my photography so one photo says it all!

Please Give Your Input  —  Reader Survey

Use the Comments box below or email saying:

  • Keel-billed Toucan on my Terrace

    What subjects you would like me to include?

  • What you think of a weekly approach?
  • Do you read this for information or photos?
  • Are your interests (1) Retirement in CR?  (2) Costa Rica in general?  (3) Nature photography?  (4) Travel?  (5) Birding?   or  (6) Keeping up with me?

If your prefer a private message click Contact on top menu to email me.

 ¡Pura Vida!

10 Replies to “A Weekly Blog Post?”

  1. I enjoy the pics and travels. Also, I like keeping up with your life in retirement in Costa Rica. Since, I have been there once, some of the pics bring back memories. Which ever way you choose to go, I will enjoy. Thanks

    1. Thanks Naomi! I appreciate your support and taking time to keep up with me. Most emails and comments here have the blog staying much the same though maybe not every day.

  2. Hi Charley. I only this week discovered your blog. I wrote you just a couple days ago that we have been to Atenas twice and will return for a month next winter. That being said, here is what I would like to see in your blog. Everyday life in Atenas! Progress with pictures of the square. Little blurbs on shops , eateries, how to use the busses and experiences using them. The people, todays weather. What are people happy about or complaining about. Note: we discovered the 3 sisters soda , the cafe on the mountaintop just west of Atenas, and of course pololandia ! – steve

    1. Thanks Steve! People like you were my original intended audience as you consider a move here whether for work or in retirement, so glad to get you input and will try to keep up or add more of the local life in Atenas so you will have things to look forward to on your next visit. ~Charlie

      I think the soda west of Atenas on the mountaintop with beautiful vista toward the Pacific Ocean is Casita del Cafe unless you are talking of a different restaurant. The Three Sisters Soda is in the Central Mercado of Atenas at the bus station, unless there is another Three Sisters I don’t know about.

  3. My favorite part of your blog is the ability it gives me to keep up with you! (being your sister I could be a little biased there) Aside from that, I absolutely love all of your nature photography! I also enjoy learning about Costa Rica along with the everyday lifestyle there. Your travels around the country are also enjoyable posts.

    A weekly approach would be fine if that is easier for you. I can imagine how challenging it must be to write every day. I will enjoy whatever you do just keep up with your photography!

  4. Thanks Bonnie! I appreciate your input and that you are a regular reader! And of course your interests would be more personal than most of my other readers. 🙂 Thanks Sis!

  5. Charlie, your friends like hearing about you, too, as well as the interesting things to see and do in CR. And your photos and poems or readings are indeed often inspirational. I think you can do a weekly blog with great profit, but I enjoy the daily. Or maybe 3 times a week? This said, I know it’s got to be hard to send out a daily blog with the consistency you want.

  6. Thanks so much Charles! I’ve gotten several emails as well as comments here and it looks like I’m going to do something in between like 3 or 4 times a week and continue my mixture of personal, informational and some inspirational which is just me. I’ve got two articles prepared about retirement here, but boring unless you are doing it. And dying to show some more photos of my flowers, which I will! 🙂 So it will end up not being much change just not every single day now which relieves me a little and I can still be creative which is part of why I do this! 🙂
    Thanks again Charles!

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