The colorful Juno Longwing, Dione juno has also been called “Juno Heliconian.” Name linked to my gallery where I have a lot of photos of this beautiful butterfly. Here’s just one shot from many in August . . .
¡Pura Vida!
Correction in Yesterday’s Post
The largest of the two Spreadwing Skippers in yesterday’s post I called a Bentwing and it is actually a Giant Sicklewing. I have corrected the post if you want to go back to it at: 2 of the Many Spreadwing Skippers. Sorry, but with so many butterflies so much alike I will continue to make mistakes from time to time. And no one wrote me about this mistake, but while researching another butterfly I decided to use Google Lens on this one too and through that determined the real identification. And at least it was before I had posted the photo on! 🙂
Charlie you never have to apologize to us your fans!!!