Mystical Cloudless Sulphur

For some reason, most of the big Yellows have been flying around up in the trees here and not down on the ground like other butterflies! 🙂 And of course there’s a natural explanation for every such phenomenon! I just don’t know it! 🙂

But the other day this female Cloudless Sulphur spent some time on the flowers in my garden and here are three fave photos from that experience. This first one below is where she looks like a fairy to me! 🙂 The second shot of her open wings is also the feature photo at top of this post online and it is interesting to note that only the females sometimes have those two brown spots on top of the wings. And the last photo is the most typical photo of a Cloudless Sulphur, showing a folded-wings side-view with the two prominent, imperfect double-white-circles used to identify a Cloudless Sulphur. No other Yellow has that! 🙂

Cloudless Sulphur female, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Cloudless Sulphur female, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica. I rarely see this view!
Cloudless Sulphur female, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

And of course there’s my Cloudless Sulphur Photo Gallery! 🙂

¡Pura Vida!

And yes, today is the day I start a little short trip to a favorite nearby lodge, Xandari Costa Rica in a suburb of Alajuela. Just two nights, but I usually get a lot of butterflies there, so we will see what happens this time. For the next 2 or 3 nights I will be doing night posts from there and then of course more from there for a week or so and then back to my backlog of photos from the garden! 🙂

4 Replies to “Mystical Cloudless Sulphur”

  1. Charlie,

    I enjoy reading about your love of nature. You provide excellent descriptions with details of insects and birds. You also demonstrate an unbelievable amount of time dedicated to the study of nature and to organizing all your photos and creating galleries for your readers to view. Your reviews of lodges and places to visit in Costa Rica help your reader to vicariously say, “I have been there.” (through photos and dialogues in your posts). Well done, friend.

    When time permits, please provide us with an update on your health and possibility of a move.

    1. Thanks Larry! Your faithful reading of my blog over the years sets you apart! 🙂 And though I do have many other regular readers, you are a special friend and I thank you!

      For posterity, my bird sighting photos are on eBird, my butterfly sightings on and now I am putting other nature photos on iNaturalist (Naturalista Costa Rica) where they become part of their collections through infinity. 🙂

      My health is still good overall and no sign of any more cancer! That brief lark of checking senior adult homes for “independent living” like I had briefly at McKendree Village in Nashville, showed me that it is not the same close to where I now live and the geriatric conditions of others in the homes here are not as healthy as me and I’m just not ready for any kind of assisted living yet! 🙂 In the big city of San Jose there are all levels of senior living and more expensive, but not for me yet. So I was just checking out my options for the possible future, but definitely no move yet! I’m very happy on the side of a hill in Atenas, Alajuela Province! 🙂

    1. Thanks Gordona! I always enjoy every trip and get lots of photos! Xandari in the past was very good for butterflies, so we will see how it is this year. 🙂

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