My nature experiences in a Playa Cativo Lodge this past week did include more than the birds & butterflies that I love to photograph! Here’s a few that I was able to “catch” in the camera and of course the biggies like Jaguar and Puma are there but seldom seen by us humans, even on night hikes! 🙂
DISCLAIMER/POSTPONEMENT: I did this post last night and couldn’t finish processing my photo-folders of Crabs and of Reptiles that I intended to include here, so now those two categories will come later in a separate post. 🙂

And more . . .
CLICK an image to see it full-frame and larger and/or start a manual slide show of each of these 3 categories of animals . . .

All frog photos made on the night hike with my cell phone . . .

All insect photos made on the night hike (except the Hooded Mantis) and all were made with my cell phone camera . . .

¡Pura Vida!
In my online GALLERY, the second main category after BIRDS is called OTHER WILDLIFE where you will find more photos like these. 🙂
And I’ll try to have those photos of Reptiles and Crabs ready for tomorrow’s post or soon after that. They’re interesting and no snakes! 🙂
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!