That’s the official name and commonly called just Heliconius doris (Wikipedia article link) or Doris Longwing, whether the red or blue version. Though not usually said about butterflies, this is a “Lifer” butterfly for me! First one to see or photograph! And if you count my “Lifer” fungus, this makes 3 lifers on this trip! 🙂 So my Heliconius doris viridis Gallery has only these 3 photos in it for now. This butterfly is said to be more common in the Amazon of Brazil, though I didn’t see it when I was there. 🙂

Last night was my scheduled “Night Hike,” so maybe some photos from it later today. This post was done yesterday about this butterfly seen on Tuesday. And I’m “canning” some more bird posts which will release later. Every trip has lots of nature to share! 🙂
¡Pura vida!