One is a butterfly and the other maybe the busiest week in Costa Rica.
Crimson Patch Butterfly
This butterfly is one I photographed at Guayabo Lodge last week and my first time for it! I had earlier mistaken a Bordered Patch for this species, but the big difference is the two-toned orange on the underside of wing. 🙂 See my new Crimson Patched Gallery and to compare the two, my older Bordered Patch Gallery. Even though the photo above is of a damaged butterfly, I like that photo better than the next one below because of the better soft background which I just learned yesterday from another blog is called a “Bokeh” photo – “. . . defined as ‘the effect of a soft out-of-focus background that you get when shooting a subject, using a fast lens, at the widest aperture, such as f/2.8 or wider.’ Simply put, bokeh is the pleasing or aesthetic quality of out-of-focus blur in a photograph.”
Semana Santa (Holy Week)
All of my medical help from last week’s fall and the annual follow-up visits from last year’s cancer surgery have been planned around Semana Santa. All government and many other offices are closed this whole week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday plus many businesses. This 80-90% Roman Catholic country finds many people filling the week with religious activities, while the majority will be on vacation at the beach or mountain resort filling most hotels in Costa Rica. It’s similar to the Christmas to New Years Day week. 🙂 At right is La Virgen de las Rosas in Central Atenas, sculpted in marble in 1980 by Orlando Carranza. She holds a rose in each hand.
See also . . .
How is Easter Week (Semana Santa) Celebrated in Costa Rica? A Tico Times online article.
¡Pura Vida!