The hills on the other side of Central Atenas magically light up when the sun rises in the morning. I made this photo a week or two ago on my cellphone. To be honest, I’m not dressed and outside for sunrise very often for the last year or so or since cancer surgery. And I do have better photos from earlier years, but any sunrise is good! 🙂
“Another sunrise, another new beginning.”
~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

¡Pura Vida!
Beautiful light Charlie!
Thanks so much Paul! If I would just get up early enough every morning, I could see something like this most days until rainy season and then even many mornings then with most rain in late afternoon. 🙂
Ah yes- the cow pasture. Though I cannot see the pasture from here I do, most mornings, get up well before sunrise, and go out on the porch with coffee to watch the lighting on the hills change. A lovely benefit of no longer living in a climate where it’s way too cold to go outside to see similar shows in the morning.
🙂 – I understand Steve! It has been not the climate but my cancer treatments that have kept me from a lot of sunrises, but that is changing! I keep feeling much better! Before long I will be walking up above your house looking for birds near the top of the hill. 🙂
We were just in your neck of the woods up near San Ramon. Went to Sarchi to see the painted carts and then had a great walk at a botanical garden near there. Flew back to the States – I’m getting a new hip this week and I need it. Capi capi – Steve
Thanks Steve for staying in touch! I love sunrises! 🙂
And good luck on you hip replacement which a lot of people here have had. All say it helps a lot when healed. I’m just now getting over the side effects of cancer surgery and radiation treatments which blew almost all of last year but much better now.