Royal Flycatcher – A Lifer!

On my last morning over in Tarcoles, I did a two-hour birding hike at Carara National Park with one of the park guides named Ronald and he did a good job! My big prize was the only “Lifer” (first time seen bird) this trip or since Christmas. And the only disappointment was that it is a lousy photo made with my cell phone through the guide’s spotting scope, since it was too far away to use my regular camera even with a 600mm lens. But it does include the very unique nest of the Tropical Royal Flycatcher, Onychorhynchus coronatus (linked to eBird). They are uncommon and found only from Southern Mexico to Northern Bolivia. This was my first time to see one and he was not displaying his large red crest (on males, which this one is) or yellow on females. Three photos . . .

Tropical Royal Flycatcher, Carara National Park, Tarcoles, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Tropical Royal Flycatcher, Carara National Park, Tarcoles, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
OUT OF THE CAMERA SHOT: Tropical Royal Flycatcher, Carara National Park, Tarcoles, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

And sorry no blog post earlier, but I got home exhausted yesterday (Wednesday) with seemingly a thousand things to do and slept 10 hours last night with many errands during the day today (Thursday), so just now getting to my trip photos and it is time to fix something for dinner! 🙂 Maybe I will get caught up tomorrow!

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