See all the good photos in the GALLERY: 2023 Christmas Parade Atenas. And to introduce the gallery, here’s 5 shots from the 4 sub-galleries . . .

Now check out the gallery for all the good photos from this year’s parade! 2023 Christmas Parade Atenas
¡Pura Vida!
¡Feliz Navidad!
Love your pics. Somehow miss electrified dancer. Was that in the beginning ?
It was between two of the bands but don’t remember how early. It was the NES entry with just one dancer wired, I assume with battery-operated lights. I was south of the court house and in poor light for many entries, but that darkness was good for this one! 🙂 Thats near Iguanas Restaurant where the parade sort of begins, so I could finish earlier! 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Charlie! The parade was colorful. Merry Christmas! Filiz Navidad!
And thank you for keeping up with me on the blog Reagan! It is just a small town Christmas Parade and they are starting to do things I don’t care for as I mentioned above to Steve. Christmas is a big part of the culture here! And it is summer vacation time for many who get one to two weeks off work at Christmas! The hotel I will visit this Christmas will probably have as many if not more Ticos there than tourists! 🙂
A fun and colorful looking parade!
Merry Christmas!!!
Thanks Gordona and Merry to you too!