The new Central Park Playground has been finished and open for maybe two months and I’m just slow reporting on it. At first I reacted negatively to all the bright colors and what looks like cheap Chinese Plastic, but I think I mis interpreted! It is designed for younger Elementary School and Preschool kids and now I think it is perfect for them! And the artificial turf too! The other day I stopped by one afternoon after many kids would be out of school and it wasn’t raining and there was a lot of activity! It was fun for me to see the creativity of some kids using the space under the tree house or slide and climbing wall to gather as in their “clubhouse.” The hyper little boys had plenty to keep them busy and I noticed for older elementary kids maybe, there was a tic-tac-toe wall with changeable X’s and O’s. Clever! And as expected, the swings were the busiest. I tried not to get any closeup photos of children and their faces for their privacy, staying on the periphery for all photos. Here’s four . . .

See my continuing GALLERY of the Renovation of Central Park Atenas.
¡Pura Vida!
Really nice for the kids! I like it that it is so colorful.
I at first had a question about using astroturf—— then I thought,
,” what is tougher on real grass than children at play?” Good idea! No quickly destroyed grass that becomes mud.
I might challenge you to a game of tic tac toe one of these days😁
I’ll take the challenge Steve! 🙂 – And I haven’t seen you in quite a while. What time do you have coffee in the mornings when your sister and brother-in-law aren’t there (assuming they stop by on their walks)?
I usually have my second cup when I return about 6:45 to 7:15