Yesterday was the Howler Monkey with the other two types in the Caribbean lowlands today, the White-faced Capuchin Monkey and the Central American Spider Monkey.

Below is a two-photo gallery on each species plus a link to the trip gallery for each where I have several more photos, plus links to my Costa Rica galleries of each where I have even more photos from my 8 years of living in Costa Rica. Enjoy! 🙂
White-faced Capuchin Monkey
See more photos of this monkey from last week’s trip in my White-faced Capuchin 2023 Tortuguero GALLERY or for even more photos of this monkey see my collection of CR White-faced Capuchin Monkey GALLERY with photos from all parts of Costa Rica.
Central American Spider Monkey
See more photos of this spider monkey from this trip in my trip gallery, Central American Spider Monkey 2023 Tortuguero GALLERY or for more and better photos, go to my 8-year collection at CR Central American Spider Monkey GALLERY.
¡Pura Vida!