Titan Sphinx Moth

This month is my second time to see one of these in my garden in June 2020 when I did a blog post first titled “Flying Shrimp” and then went back and changed it when someone told me it was a “Hummingbird Moth.” Well, now I’m a little better versed in butterflies and moths and the scientific name is Aellopos titan (link to ButterfliesandMoths.org) and the accepted common name Titan Sphinx Moth, though some still call it “Hummingbird Moth.” It is found throughout South and Central America north throughout the eastern half of the United States. It is one of the weirdest looking creatures I’ve seen in my garden. My Titan Sphinx Moth Gallery includes those photos from 2020 as well as this year’s. Interesting! 🙂

Titan Sphinx Moth, Atenas, Costa Rica

And more photos from this year . . .

¡Pura Vida!

3 Replies to “Titan Sphinx Moth”

  1. I can understand why some people call it a hummingbird moth, at first glance I would think it is a hummingbird.

    Thank you!!!

  2. Found your post last night as we saw these, and initially thought they were hummingbirds! What a great moth. Found in La Fortuna CR,

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