Occasionally I realize how much I would miss if I had a car instead of walking to town. 🙂 More than just reducing my carbon footprint and helping my health by walking, I get the serendipity of seeing a new or rare butterfly or bird – like this one! Another lifer!
As with the Western Pygmy-blue seen at Chachagua, this one is tiny or thumbnail sized (a tiny bit larger than the Pygmy-blue) and my first time to see or photograph this Blue Metalmark – Lasaia sula Staudinger (butterfliesandmoths.org link).
One house that I always pass on the way to town has lots of flowers and by their corner they have an occasional bed of zinnias, not oft seen here. This metalmark was on the zinnias with a Polydamas Swallowtail and I got photos of both with my cell phone before continuing on toward town. 🙂 What a life! 🙂

CLICK IMAGE to see full-width and larger . . .

The occasional surprise of a new, first-time-seen butterfly or bird is just one of the many joys I have of living retired in Costa Rica! 🙂 And another one is that I am typing this on my laptop while sitting out on my terrace with the sights of nature and the songs of birds! 🙂
¡Pura Vida!
See more butterflies in my Costa Rica Butterflies Galleries.
And an Encouraging Article . . .
Boost your spirits by reading this article at Washington Post . . .
What science tells us about the mood-boosting effects of indoor plants
Then go get another houseplant! 🙂
Thanks, Charlie for sharing another of God’s beauty with us. Makes for a great start to the day.
Bonnie M. in TN
You are welcome Bonnie! Or as they say here in Costa Rica: “Con gusto!” I never cease to be amazed at the beautiful things in nature and how God keeps letting me find new ones I’ve not seen before, like this butterfly!
And by the way, that is nice that you are putting “M” after your name and even “TN” to identify yourself as the “other Bonnie” that comments on my blog occasionally. If you did not know, that Bonnie is my sister living in Missouri near KC, Bonnie Darby is her married name. 🙂