Sure enough, they finally uncovered the park sign last night at 7 pm in the rain without me! But I heard the fireworks go off right at 7 and knew that was the reason. They love to celebrate anything with fireworks here! 🙂
This morning on my way to my one breakfast out a week I detoured by the park for these 3 shots on my cellphone. I know the sun lights up at night and suspect the letters might, but won’t know until I go by there at night. I was not expecting the “little murals” on the letters since other parks in Costa Rica with their town name spelled out like this use solid colors like Alajuela’s red and Heredia’s also red. Thus Atenas is definitely unique in this way! 🙂

I may describe the murals in more detail later, but in brief, the A: has our National Boyero Monument (Oxcart statue), T: the main Catholic church on the south side of Central Park, E: with three of several historic buildings, N: what appears to be lifestyle images, A: the historic and famous railroad bridge over Rio Grande and S: is their nod to the farmers with sugarcane, coffee and oxen.

I know that I’m being too much of a “perfectionist,” but it bothers me that neither the ATENAS letters nor the weather slogan are centered with the yellow leading line that directs you to the signs. The murals are nice and they can be used for teaching younger children who grow up here, but solid color letters would have been bolder and given more impact upon entrance to the park – “in my opinion.” But I still really like it and I’m proud that I chose Atenas as my final hometown in life! 🙂 And I will continue to enjoy walking through Central Park Atenas! (And there are still more renovations coming!)

¡Pura Vida!
My Chronological Gallery of the Remodeling Central Park Atenas
POSTSCRIPT: Sign is Lighted at Night!
Thanks to Marietta’s Blog I found this photo on the FB Page of La VOZ de Atenas of the sign lit last night at the dedication. They are the digital radio station in Atenas. Just more unique things about Atenas! 🙂