Along my “Country Lane” extension of Avenida 8 road they at one point cut through rock to make the road and just a week or so ago it looked like this:

On yesterday’s walk I noticed that much of that rock was now covered in a new fern to me that the best I can tell from an internet search is the Delta Maidenhair Fern – Adiantum Raddianum (Wikipedia link). Please correct me if you know better. It was the closest match on the web and I don’t have a fern book! 🙂 Here’s what much of the rock looks like now, followed by a small gallery of more images. Very beautiful plant to me!

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“Only spread a fern-frond over a man’s head and worldly cares are cast out, and freedom and beauty and peace come in.”
~John Muir
And of course there’s a lot more Costa Rica beauty in my Flora & Forest Gallery!
¡Pura Vida!
Absolutely beautiful!
Good praise to hear from a real gardener! And these are just growing wild on the side of the road! 🙂