For most people it would be a horrible day with almost constant rain, but my all morning birding hike with breakfast break was good for me including this one “Lifer” or first-time seen bird.
I still don’t have a count of how many birds I photographed in the terrible light, but I will report on that tomorrow. Nestor says he saw or heard 82 species and I’m sure I didn’t see half that number, but will tell tomorrow. The selfie here is me with Nestor, my guide.
This Bicolored Antbird is my first to see or photograph and my second Lifer on this trip. Learn more about him at the eBird Description. CLICK below images to enlarge:
Bicolored Antbird Bicolored Antbird Bicolored Antbird Bicolored Antbird
See all my birds in my CR Birds Gallery.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.”
¡Pura Vida!
Why do you suppose they have such large eyes?
Why do you suppose they have such large eyes?
I don’t really know – but maybe to see the ants?