Yawn! Not much going on yesterday! So I walked out into the garden and snapped some butterfly photos. None new, but I like this shot of the Brown Longtail and equally the Cloudless Sulphur shot, which is found from Canada to South America by the way! 🙂 No usable shots of the many Giant Whites I saw but I included a shot of an injured or damaged Polydamas Swallowtail, since broken wings seem common among most butterflies. Life can be harsh, even for a butterfly! 🙂
Cloudless Sulphur Brown Longtail Injured Polydamas Swallowtail
See my Costa Rica Butterflies Photo Gallery – 109+ species!
Butterflies are nature’s angels. They remind us what a gift it is to be alive.
-Robyn Nola
¡Pura Vida!