in the Atenas Public Clinic Parking Lot, painted over an older ugly one.
¡Pura Vida!
And if you like graffiti, you might want to check out my GALLERY: Public Art & Graffiti – Atenas with graffiti in other places mixed in with the trip galleries to those places.
I consider this kind of graffiti “real art” and especially these on the back wall behind Colegio Liceo Atenas where one section was recently replaced with this thought-provoking work of art. I have always assumed that this “Graffiti Wall” is officially sanctioned by the high school and that probably an art teacher is responsible for overseeing it. A great way for adolescents to express themselves!
¡Pura Vida!
Check out some of my earlier blog posts on graffiti art here or see all of my photos of it in the GALLERY: Public Art & Graffiti – Atenas. 🙂
Possibly the best piece of art in all the graffiti around town and definitely my favorite was the one with a big human eye that I’ve shown here before and repeat below. Unfortunately it had been abused by less talented graffiti artists or kids painting over it and the other day I noticed it has now been totally painted over. I guess that is one thing a graffiti artist has to expect at some times, and of course the new one doesn’t even compare in talent, but at least it is fresh. 🙂
New Graffiti on Restrooms Building, Sports Park, AtenasThis is what it replaced.
And a closer up view of my old favorite graffiti . . .
From my Caravan Tour of Panama Gallery and full Panama City Gallery is a sub-sub-gallery titled Casco Viejo Street Art, one of my favorites from that trip. “Casco Viejo” just means “old city” and is one of two such historic districts in Panama City, the one resettled in 1673 after the big fire. Here’s just 4 of the many photos in the above linked gallery . . .
Casco Viejo, Panama City, PanamaCasco Viejo, Panama City, PanamaCasco Viejo, Panama City, PanamaCasco Viejo, Panama City, Panama
There is a temptation for me to write my interpretation of each piece, but this kind of art is better left to the interpretation or meaning of the viewer.
DISCLAIMER: “Street Art” for this series is paintings and tile work along streets, usually on buildings, that may or may not have been commissioned or done “illegally” without permission. I have no way of knowing. I purposefully did not include public statues, fountains, etc. obviously sanctioned by the government.
“Art must not be concentrated in dead shrines called museums. It must be spread everywhere – on the streets, in the trams, factories, workshops, and in the workers’ homes.”
Here’s only 3 shots from our capital city of San Jose, which of course has many more admirable Street Art works that I have just not discovered yet! I don’t hang out in the big city much! I’m a nature photographer! 🙂 Also included is one from Alajuela, my provincial capital, and one from nearby San Ramon. These are the last of my Street Art photos from Costa Rica. Tomorrow I share just 2 from Nicaragua and then around the world we go! 🙂
This post begins a new series of “Photo Essays” that could become the new style of my blog, now that I’m not traveling as much. I’m starting with a “Street Art Series” of maybe a week’s worth of posts on places where I’ve lived or visited. The first is an unlikely art town, the little coffee farming town of Atenas where I now live . . .
“Graffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire.”
Sidewalk graffiti? Gang tag? Logo? Coat of Arms? — Something else interesting, like the flowers that I see on my walks. You see so much when you walk! Why would I ever want a car again? 🙂
¡Pura Vida!
NOTICE: Authorities have stated that borders will remain closed until May 15, 2020. We will wait on the Decree that regulates this to determine what other measures are impacted by this new date.
Sorry tourists!You will have to wait until at least May 15 or longer if the border closing is extended more.
BUT COSTA RICA IS ON THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF ITS COVID19 CASES CURVE! All the efforts of social distancing, hand-washing and business and event closings has paid off in a big way! And no stupid Republicans here to demonstrate against health protections! 🙂 We work together here! Read on . . .
The wall on the back side of Colegio Liceo (College Prep High School) had all its graffiti painted over with black paint and new graffiti-style art painted – I assume by the high school art class students, though they signed each piece like a street artist (possibly wannabes). 🙂 Freshness is always good and though not my favorite style of art, it seems to be typical of teenagers today around the world.
It is important to me because I walk down this street almost every day and have to look at it. 🙂
New High School Graffiti
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” ~Pablo Picasso
They are replacing all the old graffiti murals that were on this sidewalk wall. This is first one completed. The whole wall was painted black first, then tags (below), now this over one of the tags, a turquoise scribble. Atenas, Costa Rica
For a year or more this is what was in the above spot:
Last year in the same location.
Then early in January these “tags” were painted with the bright turquoise at far right being where the current cartoon mice reside. I hope the other tags are overpainted too. I like the mice!
Unfortunately we have Polluted Riversin the “Green” country of Costa Rica too. Click the link for an online English newspaper article prodding the government to do more. Sad for me that this is about the Tarcoles River, the closest birding river for me and of course dangerous for the birds. The Tarcoles has tributaries coming from the big city of San Jose which is one of the problems. Be sure to see the video in the article showing all the plastic bottle caps and other junk found in the stomach of a fish. Shocking!