With the very slow remodeling of Atenas Central Park being done totally by city employees and not an outside contractor, this multi-year project keeps surprising people and this one was not in the initial architect’s drawings of the remodeled park. For the new southwest corner entrance to the square block park, there is now a pair of modern fountains with a hint of historical reflection on the Stone Spheres of Costa Rica (Wikipedia link) and even though the sidewalk is still not completed, the two fountains have been dedicated and are functioning, though you can’t enter the park through this entrance yet! 🙂 Here’s 3 of my cellphone photos plus someone else’s night photo from the dedication I didn’t know about. And to my friend who was hoping they would add a fountain to the park, you got two! 🙂 Though I realize you were wanting an old fashion fountain like in the center of Alajuela’s Central Park. But hey! We have prehistoric stone spheres spritzing water like no other park in Costa Rica! 🙂

See my progressive photos of the continued remodeling of Atenas Central Park as a sub-gallery of my many Costa Rica Photo Galleries.
¡Pura Vida!
Hmmm —- I’m wondering if I am that “friend” who wanted a fountain😂. I think the pseudo ancient balls are appropriate and I like the reflecting pools. But — Yes I still want a big splashy fountain but I’ll take what we get and be grateful. 🙂. I think they are lovely.
Glad to hear that Steve! And yes, you are the friend I was mentioning and I too would have liked a big splashy traditional fountain, but with younger people running the city government now, this was no surprise that the fountains are more contemporary and with the Pre-Columbian representation, I too think they are okay and even nice! 🙂 Just wish they would hurry up with that sidewalk! 🙂
Charlie, I love going through your progression of photos from when the remodel first started! I bet the city would love to see those. Great pictures!
Thanks Bonnie! I hope some of them in the city office have seen the photo gallery. It has been going since 2018 and since February 2022, when SmugMug started a visitors count, 672 have seen that gallery. 🙂
This is great!!!
Love it!!!
Thanks Gordona! Small town Costa Rica sophistication! 🙂