are the two common English names for this beautiful tropical flowering shrub or small tree that comes in white, pink or red varieties. This white one that I pass on my walks to town one website called the “Plumeria rubra var. acutifolia.”
When I lived in West Africa it was called Frangipani by both English and French speakers and by most tribal languages. In Spanish, frangipanis are also referred to as alhelí, alhelí cimarrón, and suche, though in Costa Rica they are called frangipani, plumeria, juche or cacalojoche. Every Central American country seems to have a different name! 🙂
Here’s 2 photos of the one at a house on 8th Avenue in Atenas . . .

¡Pura Vida!
Oh how gorgeous!!! I would love to see the red ones.
Thank you!
I’ve never seen a red one either. All here have been white and all in The Gambia were white. And your word “gorgeous” is a good description! Another of many favorite flowers here! ~Charlie