Brilliant White Peacock Butterfly

Though one of my regular visitors, I continue to be amazed at the simple beauty of this butterfly . . .

White Peacock, Atenas, Costa Rica

White Peacock, Atenas, Costa Rica
White Peacock, Atenas, Costa Rica
White Peacock, Atenas, Costa Rica

I just learned today from a South American scientific website that the Spanish Common Name for this is “Cenicienta,” Though it might be a regional common name used only in South America with something different for Central America. So far I have not been able to find a single source for the Spanish names of butterflies like I have for birds, thus in my butterfly galleries there are only the English common names and the Latin Scientific Names, though I just added “Cenicienta” to my White Peacock Gallery!  🙂   Also, locals have told me that they call all the Owl Butterflies “Buho” and all of the clearwing or glasswing butterflies “espejitos” (literally translated as “little pocket mirrors”)

See all my Costa Rica Butterfly Galleries.

Or just the White Peacock Gallery!

¡Pura Vida!

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