There are many different species of the Satyr Butterflies here in Costa Rica with the most common in my yard (on grasses, not flowers) is the Carolina Satyr. With wings folded he’s the size of my thumbnail, sitting on a blade of grass here! You can see this particular Satyr’s pattern of spots and stripes in this feature photo, while there are more than 50+ other combinations of patterns and colors in Satyrs. The second photo below that shows this same butterfly with his wings partially open and part of his plain brown top, then the third with them mostly open. Since I never got a shot of his total topside, I have a fourth photo of a different Carolina Satyr with his wings all the way open to show the simplicity of his topside compared to folded wings! 🙂

¡Pura Vida!
See my Carolina Satyr Gallery.
Or you can go to my big butterfly gallery and find 14 different Satyr sub-galleries with some quite amazing varieties!
That is an incredible shot Charlie! Your new lens is something and your talent takes it to the next level! ?
Thanks Bonnie! It’s just what I do for fun! 🙂