I think it was the same day I posted the recent park update that they added an electrified SUN sculpture to their concrete structure. I know it is electric because my taxi drove by it on the way home from dinner Saturday night and it was lit up a bright yellow! 🙂 Kind of shocking in a small country town, like a gas station sign downtown! 🙂
I got some daytime photos this morning and I plan to go back tonight to get a night photo before posting this, if still lit behind the construction fence. I hope they don’t cheapen the park with too much “neon” color and lights. I suspect now that the ATENAS letters will be lit up also, in their bright red color. I guess it will add to the party spirit of the many fiestas, concerts, festivals, dances, etc. that will take place in the park after Covid! I just hope the new, very modern park does not eliminate all of the quiet, sophisticated places in nature that it has had. We will see! Maybe a little of both! 🙂 If it helps people interact, then that is good! 🙂 And recently lots of people are using the park as it is while still wearing their masks! There’s always a group of old men talking and after school a lot of both children and teenagers.

And more photos . . .
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Day Shots . . .

Night Shots . . .
When I got there as the sun was going down, two young me were working on the Sun Sculpture and I was afraid it would not be lighted again, but soon they turned it on and kept working on it. You can see them in some of the photos . . . CLICK image to enlarge it . . .

¡Pura Vida!
See my chronological gallery: Remodeling Central Park Atenas for the very slow progress, step by step. They started in November 2018.