An afternoon visitor the other day and the third time I’ve seen him at my house in more than 5 years so not a regular here. I’ve also seen him in I think 3 different lodges, so seemingly all over Costa Rica. And a neighbor saw a Gartered Trogon the other day which I’ve seen here at my house only once, though they are normal for the Central Valley.
It was nice to see something other than my three regulars, the wren, thrush and dove. I do have a Black-cowled Oriole Gallery if interested as a part of my bigger Costa Rica Birds Gallery. And if you would like more info, here’s a link the the eBird Black-cowled Oriole.

Black-cowled Oriole
¡Pura Vida!
La Calandria, sí la he visto, bonita.
El libro Aves de Costa Rica dice Bosero Capuchinegro y eBird dice Turpial cabecinegro, aunque lo describen como tú, “Calandria negra y amarilla muy atractiva de tierras bajas tropicales húmedas.”
Se puede ver que tengo dificultad para encontrar nombres “correctos” españoles para las aves. Y el diccionario dice “Calandria” en inglés es “Carriage”. Bosero + turpial + calandria = un Charlie confundido! 🙂