Yep! I voted “Absentee” today and tomorrow will put this envelope in the mail. It will arrive in Nashville in a week to 10 days and be counted in November. Overseas citizens vote in the last voting district they lived in before moving. Meaning I will probably vote the rest of my life in Hermitage, Tennessee! I am shocked by the number of so-called “U.S. Citizens” who do not vote, both here in Costa Rica and those still living in the states. Shameful! I consider it a duty, a moral obligation, a responsibility of a citizen! VOTE! |
Voting is a civic sacrament.
~Theodore Hesburgh
“Half the American people never read a newspaper.
Half never vote for President – the same half?”
~ Gore Vidal in “Screening History,” published 1992.
”It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government
except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”
~ Winston Churchill, on the floor of Parliament in November 1947.
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