
I love the name of this butterfly, which is maybe descriptive of all butterflies! 🙂 The Whirlabout, Polites Vibex (my gallery link) is a plain light orange skipper when his wings are folded, but open like in this photo on a Zinnia, he is a colorful bright orange. He is seen in the SE U.S. south through the West Indies and Central America down to Argentina.

Whirlabout, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!


Yes, this butterfly whirls about the garden, though not with the same image of a dancer whirling her skirt about the dance floor or stage, but this fun-named skipper butterfly is fun to have in my garden now and then! See more photos, all from my garden, in my Whirlabout Gallery! They are found throughout the southeastern U.S. on south through Central America into Argentina. See others’ photos on butterfliesandmoths. Here’s one photo plus the feature at top . . .

Whirlabout, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!


That’s not a carnival ride or some crazy new dance, but the common name for a Skipper Butterfly with the scientific name of Polites vibex, Whirlabout. And I know you probably think these two photos are of different butterflies, and though they are of different individuals of different sizes, they are the same species, with the folded wings the lighter color and the open wings orange and dark brown for males and all-brown for females. The other times I have photographed one in my garden, he looks a little darker or brighter orange than these, as you can see in my Whirlabout Gallery, but I’m fairly confident of my ID each time. There is no end to new discoveries with butterflies! 🙂

Whirlabout Skipper, Atenas, Costa Rica
Whirlabout Skipper, Atenas, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!


Though that sounds like me over the last few days and in the coming days, it is actually the name of a butterfly, Whirlabout, Polites vibex, and here are two photos of one recently in my garden.

Whirlabout, Atenas, Costa Rica

Whirlabout, Atenas, Costa Rica.

And what have I been so busy about? Well, several things . . .

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