Two New Birds & Balcony Shots

This afternoon I photographed birds from my front balcony for the first time. Got two repeats, Great Kiskadee and Scarlet Tanager but also two new ones, Blue-gray Tanager (you can see in aviary at Nashville Zoo Unseen New World) and tried again to photograph one of the several flocks of parakeets that fly over very fast every afternoon. Nearly impossible to photograph, but here’s a fuzzy image!

Blue-gray Tanager at Hacienda La Jacaranda, Atenas, Costa Rica

Someday maybe a good photo of these regular flyovers.
Today I was given an old and worn (like me) leather & wood rocker for my balcony like some of the other residents have. Now I don’t have to take one of my other chairs out for morning coffee and some evening sits. It is on the front balcony which is larger. The back balcony is the second photo and is longer but narrow with bamboo next to it and lots of other trees closer, making it the better bird photo spot. Also have a clothes line there, but usually use the rack on front balcony for the afternoon sun. In Costa Rica an electric clothes dryer is a rarity. We have sunshine every day, even in the rainy season! 

Rocking Chair for the retired old man! My front balcony.

Back Balcony where most birds are photographed.

Today after Spanish Class I tried a different super market, Maxi-Pali, which is a longer walk but has some things The Coopeatenas doesn’t and has cheaper prices on a few items. They also stock some Walmart house brand products, so guess who probably owns them? It is kind of like it was in the states, I’ll now probably use both some, but the closest is the easiest, so we will see. Also ate at another new restaurant for me that does not have a web presence and I just wrote the first review on Trip Advisor, so nothing to link to now, but that link is to my list of reviews and Olivera will be up in a day or so. It is Pizza Olivera, on the square or Central Park and they deliver, so I will probably use the delivery when Kevin is here. It was very good pizza I thought. I got a personal size Supreme and a liter tropical juice drink for $5. I will return! Like most restaurants here, the dining area is covered open air with views of whatever, this time Central Park with old men on benches, children running and playing, and a teen rolling slowly by on a skate board. Just an ordinary little farming town with lots of happy people! 🙂  It is still fun to be here and to be walking everywhere!

And oh yes, this morning after class I said “yes” to my first volunteer opportunity. I will be helping at the gringo-sponsored Annual Chili Cookoff and fiesta as a fund-raiser for the local children’s home. Some 3,000 people are expected. Don’t know yet what I will do.
Tomorrow is bus to San Jose and my appointment at the U.S. Embassy – hopefully getting the last document needed for my residential application. Never a dull moment yet! But I’m resting tonight!
Blessings to all who take the time to read all my ramblings! I’ll work on making this shorter! Promise!

First Four Back Porch Birds

Couldn’t wait until tomorrow! Posting just before I go to bed Friday night. All were photographed from my smaller balcony on the back side of the apartment. It is likely to be one of my main bird-watching spots. I have seen parrots and toucans flying over, but not close enough to photograph. All four of these are common in this part of the world and I have photographed before. Click image to see a larger version. I just checked my Birds of Costa Rica Checklist and two of these are new sightings for me and three are first-time photos. Progress! I will be adding my checklist to a webpage soon. I have now seen more than 100 birds in Costa Rica and photographed more than 70! And in my photo gallery Central/South America Birds I have more than 100 photos. I will create a separate Costa Rica Birds and Other Animals gallery one of these days.

Gray-capped Flycatcher
Red-billed Pigeon

Scarlet Tanager

Social Flycatcher

My Balcony View

Panorama View from My Third Floor Balcony
Click for Larger Image
The turquoise rectangle far left is our tennis courts. Pool is behind tree right of center
and between those two tin roofs, the owner’s house and “The Rancho” that might become a restaurant.

I’m liking my new apartment on the third floor, especially the two balconies! This is the view from my front balcony where I drank coffee this morning before another bus trip to Alajuela where I picked up my file box and about 6 or 7 letters including Christmas Cards from a few of you.

This is basically the same view as from my first floor apartment, just from a little more height AND I took three photos and combined them in Photoshop Elements as a panorama. You are looking over a little farming town of 8,000 people surrounded by coffee farms and several gringo housing developments. We have enough gringos, so please don’t move here!  🙂

Late this afternoon I stood on my smaller back balcony which is closer to several trees and a row of bamboo. I photographed 4 different species of birds. Finally! I’ve been too busy and in the wrong place up until now. I’ll share those photos tomorrow in a separate post.

Today I also explored some more shops in town including a hardware/electrical store and a little shop with scads of cheap items from China. Fun!

Watch for the birds tomorrow.