Experimenting with New Book Binding

This is a “heavy paper” special binding so all pages “lay flat” with none of a two-page photo lost in the gutter. I am experimenting and will decide if it is worth the much higher cost when I do a book like this with all 2-page spreads or panoramas. You can review every page electronically online in the bookstore by clicking the link or click the cover image above. Best seen “Full Page” as always.
¡Pura Vida!

The Making of a Bridge

First, to get over that stream, install two very large concrete culverts or pipes for the water. to go through.
Cover with gravel and dirt. This is a lot less trouble than anchoring a big steel bridge over the water!
Atenas, Costa Rica

Well, then you need concrete walls on each side to hold the dirt in!
At least another 2 or 3 months time.
Atenas, Costa Rica

And well, the wall needs to be high enough to keep pedestrians from falling in the stream.
Allowing enough room for a sidewalk on each side of the road!
Atenas, Costa Rica

After about 6 months it looks like you might actually extend this street over the stream!
I have been walking by this construction for what seems like forever!
Atenas, Costa Rica

With the wall nearly done, we need more dirt and gravel.
Atenas, Costa Rica

And Suddenly One Day! I come across a paved street, concrete gutter and concrete sidewalk on both sides!
Now why was I so impatient? See! It is beautiful and very useful! Our city at work!
Atenas, Costa Rica
My photo galleries of Atenas and Atenas is most of the gallery People & Fiestas.

Then you will benefit from this article:  
¡Pura Vida!

Nature, Like Steeples, Pointing to God

Buds of the about to bloom Gardenias in Central Park Atenas
Seem to be pointing to God like the nearby steeple
Atenas, Costa Rica

As every walk by the Atenas Catholic Church
Also reminds me of God! Both steeple & palm trees!
Atenas, Costa Rica

And my regular trips to Alajuela (one yesterday)
include walking by the Cathedral, a reminder of God
Even the tall evergreen pointing high toward God!
Alajuela, Costa Rica
Nature is my manifestation of God. 
I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day’s work. 
I follow in building the principles which nature has used in its domain. 
~Frank Lloyd Wright
Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you
~Frank Lloyd Wright
The heavens declare the glory of God; 
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
~Psalm 19:1

Güilas – “Kids”

The newest “Made in Costa Rica” Movie is Güilas by Tico artist/photographer SERGIO PUCCI.
In pure Spanish “güilar” is “to guide” – In Costa Rica slang, “güila” = kid or child
This is a collection of 7 stories of 7 kids, one from each of the 7 provinces of Costa Rica
I saw at Cinemark Cinema, City Mall, Alajuela, Costa Rica

TRAILER & Guilas Making Of: 

MOVIE WEBSITE: http://guilaslapelicula.com/

Tico Times Article in English:

First La Nacion Article (with videos):  (use your translator to read in English)

Second La Nacion Article (with videos):  (use your translator to read in English)

“The intention of the film is to highlight Costa Rican identity through the experiences of these kids, with an infancy full of games and mischief, outside in the fresh air,” said Editorial PUCCI in an email this week.

Wow! A beautiful movie! You know how “coming of age” movies are usually big in the states and also funny kid movies – Well Sergio Pucci took that concept plus the beauty, variety and adventure of Costa Rica  combined into a 7-part (7 stories) about the 7 Provinces of Costa Rica through a day in the life of a child in each of these very different provinces. Magnificent! The photography, the kids, the country, the real life growing up experiences, the cultures and the color.

If you live in Costa Rica, this is a must-see movie! And if not, well watch the arts theaters, specialty TV, or maybe on DVD someday soon. Of course it is in español, but the stories speak a universal language making the words almost unnecessary!

¡Pura Vida!

Selling Hot Dogs in Costa Rica

About the same way Oscar Meyer does in the states:

A weiner character at the Supermercado attracts a lot of attention & lots of families have hot dogs this week!
La Coope Supermercado, Atenas, Costa Rica

And having a bouncy house doesn’t hurt sales either!
Marketing through children seems to be world-wide!
La Coope Supermercado, Atenas, Costa Rica

See more of my photos of Atenas in those linked galleries or better yet in People & FiestasAnd if you like the Vistas from here, 4 of those linked galleries include Atenas vistas. 

And a Canadian Research just shows why people are happier living in small towns!  (Well, at least Canadians? But I’m thinking it is pretty much universal.)

I continue to be pleased with my “Costa Rica Decision Process” (the original name of this blog) that led me to retire in this charming small town in Central Costa Rica. I love it here and that along with the decision to not own a car in my latter years means walking a few miles every day and absorbing the tranquility of this little coffee farming town. (Driving through is not the same!) I regularly thank God for blessing me in my senior years. And for the tropical paradises nearby that I can visit every month for colorful birds and much more!

Retired in Costa Rica
¡Pura Vida!

A Sphinx Moth?

One of the Sphinx Moths maybespecific variety not found
La Coope Supermercado Auto Repair Shop
Atenas, Costa Rica

During my first year or so here I was finding new butterflies or moths nearly every week but have not in months if not a year or longer recently. On the last two trips I saw several Banded Peacocks which are kind of common butterflies to me now and nothing else that would land. Both Arenal and Corcovado had several fast-flying butterflies that never landed or slowed down for a photo. That included several Blue Morphos at Corcovado. But this is my first photo in a good while and I cannot positively identify it. If you know, please leave a comment! Or email me. Cell phone shot.

And see my similar photos in gallery  Butterflies & Moths.

¡Pura Vida!

Clean Water – A Growing Problem Worldwide & Now In Atenas!

The city is now installing these emergency water tanks around town
for when the water system is down (often), water will be closer at hand for families.
As opposed to waiting for the water truck to come by for your water needs.
And the rapid turnover of local politicians continues as a “real fix” is still not provided! Just promised!
Atenas, Costa Rica

And this is how persons got water in past when the taps aren’t working.
Atenas, Costa Rica

And yes, this “rich” gringo lives in a housing development with our own water system that is virtually never down and on top of that my richer landlord has his own well and pump just for our 3 houses on this property, meaning we always have good water. Many locals might say “Not fair!” And life continues to prove itself not fair. And the politicians continue to promise to do better! Yeah! Right!

Here are just 3 of the protest signs trying to get politicians to do something:

Spray-painted on an outside wall of one of the high schools.
Atenas, Costa Rica

Water is a right, not a luxury.”
On a home fence in my side of town. 
Atenas, Costa Rica

Atenas needs water.
Atenas united by the right to water.
A whole town is protesting.
I say: Present! 

On another home on my side of town. There are many more! 
Atenas, Costa Rica

For many of us, clean water is so plentiful and readily available that we rarely, if ever, pause to consider what life would be like without it. 

~Marcus Samuelsson
Water is life!

Pray for a working water system in Atenas.

Seeing Between the Leaves

Back in November 2016 I did a similar post on seldom seen spots of a garden and wrote: 

“In the forest or my garden, one must look through tiny windows to see behind the leaves.” Again I share what I see in my garden, plain & simple yet full of fantasy!

I’m always astonished by a forest. 
It makes me realise that the fantasy of nature 
is much larger than my own fantasy. 
I still have things to learn. 
~Gunter Grass

The flowers have to be sisters of the birds..!!

My favorite birding group here now is a Tico Facebook group called:  Asociacion Ornitologica de Costa Rica

The one photo I posted there from my Arenal trip was this Keel-billed Toucan that I also used on the cover of the book about Arenal Observatory.

Several comments were made but the most interesting was from Diego who said,

Las flores han de ser hermanas de las aves..!!

The flowers have to be sisters of the birds..!!

It is possibly and old saying or even a quote from some writer (though my Google search did not find an author), but I thought it so interesting and true especially with some of the many colorful birds here in Costa Rica and I appreciate Diego’s comment! 

Toucans are difficult to photograph even with the tower at Arenal putting me up on their level! But they certainly are a lot like flying flowers!   🙂

If I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes. 
~Charles Lindbergh