Okay – an odd combination! 🙂 But I’m trying not to show too many birds at one time as I continue to share the many birds I photographed at Maquenque.
My collection from the past has much better images of the Pale-billed Woodpecker but I’m lucky to have even this shot, shooting through the jungle vines, limbs, leaves to a distant and constantly moving bird – but the pale -billed is not seen that often and I wanted to include him.
The woodcreeper was also difficult to shoot among the trees but I lucked into just this one decent shot (if enlarged). Bird-photography in the rainforest is a tough challenge sometimes, but very rewarding when you get even one shot! CLICK an image to enlarge it and better see the bird.
Streak-headed Woodcreeper House Wren Pale-billed Woodpecker Black-cheeked Woodpecker Clay-colored Thrush or Yiqüirro — National Bird of Costa Rica
See also my Costa Rica Birds Gallery.
And for more about the place, Maquenque Eco-Lodge & Reserve Website.
¡Pura Vida!