White Angled-Sulphur

I’m back to sharing photos from my garden and this particular butterfly has been quite numerous the last few days. And more interesting than some of the many other Whites that I’m getting now. Here’s two shots from this week and you can see more in my White Angled-Sulphur Gallery. The scientific name is Anteos clorinde and they are residents from Argentina up to Mexico, putting Costa rica near the center. Here’s two shots . . .

White Angled-Sulphur, Atenas, Costa Rica
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Female White Angled-Sulphur

Three days ago I had a photo of a male which includes the 2 bright yellow splotches on upper wings and four little brown dots. The female of this species is all white but different from the all-white Florida White because of the very strong veins. Often the males and females are like two different species in butterflies and birds. 🙂

Female White Angled-Sulphur, Atenas, Costa Rica

¡Pura Vida!

See my White Angled Sulphur Gallery or the bigger CR Butterflies Gallery.

White Angled Sulphur

Another repeat butterfly for me today, though I only got a side view. The top view of this guy is a lot different – white with two yellow splotches plus the little brown spots you can barely see here, though I was unable to photograph the top this time. See more in my White Angled Sulphur Gallery. Another interesting butterfly I can enjoy in my garden during this rainy season.

White-angled Sulphur

My Costa Rica Butterflies Gallery has many more!

Never bored with butterflies! 🙂

¡Pura Vida!

White Angled Sulphur Butterfly

White Angled Sulphur Butterfly 
In My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica


White Angled Sulphur Butterfly 
 In My Garden, Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica

This was difficult to identify. I photographed one in 2015 and was a little unsure then, but with my new Mexico butterfly book I am certain now and confirmed it on the internet. Different!  🙂

See my Butterflies Photo Gallery.