Rainy Beginning Photos

The rain seemed to arrive about the same time I did at Xandari this mid-day, but I managed to photograph 2 birds & 2 butterflies in either rain or mist. Those four photos are below and I continue to be amazed with Xandari and they upgraded me to a huge villa that is really nice! Hoping for clear skies the next two mornings and then my photo collection will grow! 🙂

Double White Satyr, Xandari Resort, Alajuela, Alajuela
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Wren in Garden

Several wrens have been checking out my severely pruned Triquitraque Vines or Flame Vines that I asked the gardeners to cut back and they cut way back! 🙂 Plus all the ground cover around them! Oh well – it will grow back and the vines are already sprouting new growth. But I think it is the open soil and not the sprouts that attract these Rufous-naped Wrens, probably looking for worm or insect food! 🙂 It has always been one of my common or regular birds year around and, though decreased recently, they seem to be returning in greater numbers now. Here’s 4 shots of these birds in their dapper plaid sport jacket! 🙂

Rufous-naped Wren, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
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5 Birds in the Canopy

With rain finally coming every afternoon, I’m also seeing a few more birds other than the Yigüirro (Clay-colored Thrush) singing his heart out to beg for rain says the tradition. Well, he finally succeeded, and though 5 species in one morning walk is an improvement, it is still not a lot of different birds compared to my past experience here. All were in the shadows of the canopy leaves of different trees with only this Yigüirro having direct light, but here’s the five birds I saw the other morning even if not good photos . . .

Yigüirro or Clay-colored Thrush, Atenas, Costa Rica
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Birds, Rainy Season, and Personal Catch-up

Finally! Rainy Season seems to have started with rains every afternoon for 4 days straight now, but oh so much later than usual and from what I’ve read, we may still have a drier rainy season than usual. It is amazing how much greener it gets here after even one rain! And how many more birds! Below are photos of 4 birds I managed to snap this week. I love the rainy season, my favorite time of year here! And most days it rains only 2 or 3 hours in the late afternoon or early evening.

Rufous-naped Wren Eating an Insect, Atenas, Costa Rica
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Hide-and-Seek Wren

The Rufous-naped Wren (eBird description) is one of the most common birds in my garden (found only in Mexico & Central America), but they haven’t been showing themselves much lately for me to photograph. This one seemed to be playing hide-and-seek from me in the shadows of my Cecropia tree. 🙂 But I do hear them singing a lot along with the Clay-colored Thrush this time of year.

You can see better, earlier photos in my Rufous-naped Wren Gallery. 🙂 Here’s 3 shots from yesterday morning’s shadows . . .

Rufous-naped Wren, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
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