Chachalacas Stop By!

The full name of this one is Gray-headed Chachalaca (Ortalis cinereiceps) with the only other one named “Plain Chachalaca” and it’s found only in Guanacaste (dryer NW Costa Rica). This one is a regular “chicken-sized” bird living in my neighborhood, though like other birds, I’ve been seeing fewer for a while. They always come in groups or families and “chatter” a lot, thus Ticos sometimes jokingly call a person who talks a lot “a Chachalaca!” :-)

Here’s three shots of them moving between my trees and you can see more photos in my Gray-headed Chachalaca GALLERY. I see them in many parts of Costa Rica and they are indigenous to Central America.

Gray-headed Chachalaca, Atenas, Costa Rica.
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5 Birds in the Canopy

With rain finally coming every afternoon, I’m also seeing a few more birds other than the Yigüirro (Clay-colored Thrush) singing his heart out to beg for rain says the tradition. Well, he finally succeeded, and though 5 species in one morning walk is an improvement, it is still not a lot of different birds compared to my past experience here. All were in the shadows of the canopy leaves of different trees with only this Yigüirro having direct light, but here’s the five birds I saw the other morning even if not good photos . . .

Yigüirro or Clay-colored Thrush, Atenas, Costa Rica
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