My Evangelical/Political Disclaimer

I do not like to offend my many friends who still work for Southern Baptists and/or the now more general “Evangelicals,” but because Evangelicals have chosen to be overtly political in what I consider very “unChristian” ways, as possibly the main force now behind the current “right-wing,” the tea-party, white supremacists, Donald Trump, and the Republican Party. I am currently rejecting Southern Baptists and all Evangelicals; distancing myself from them and especially their immoral politics that stand opposite the life and message of Jesus as they enthusiastically support Trump’s “Make America White Again” movement.

As a church staff member in the late 60’s I watched a similar movement, The John Birch Society, nearly destroy our church. As a denominational employee attending the annual Southern Baptist Convention and involved at many levels of the denomination for 28 years, I watched the immoral grabbing of power and control of a denomination with such tactics as busing in large families for even the children to vote for their “agenda” and regularly lying like their Donald Trump does daily. Then as a servant in the publishing house, Baptist Sunday School Board, now LifeWay Christian Resources, I watched them destroy the real ministry we one time had there as they tried to  turn it into a money-making political business, bringing in bankers and businessmen until it ultimately collapsed and many of us who had given our entire lives to its ministry were “downsized” out as the right-wing politicians took over. A sad loss for Christianity but please know that God is still God and He continues to work quietly in lives in spite of such hypocrisy from Evangelicals.

As a follower of Christ I can have nothing to do with their actions and thus “divorce” myself of all current association with Evangelicals and the Southern Baptist Convention. My hard work and proud history with Southern Baptists is now an embarrassment  because of what I watched happen in the “takeover” of the 80’s and 90’s and because of the current Evangelical political activities. God’s judgement will be severe. They are not only destroying my church heritage but are on a path to destroy the United States of America with the combination of un-Christian and un-Democratic activities. Woe is America!

I am sad. I pray for change. And I honestly do not understand how anyone who calls him/herself a Christian can support Donald Trump. He is an immoral, sexist, racist, bigoted, lying, white supremacist egotist who is destroying the United States of America. And I personally place the blame on the Republican Party and so-called “Evangelical Christians.” Not Christian to me!

When I left the country in 2014 I did not know Trump would become president, but I could already see what was happening to Evangelicals, some friends at church and the Republican Party. That was one of my unstated reasons for leaving then. I could not stand it any longer and could not get away from it in conservative Tennessee and a Baptist Church. Of course no country is perfect, including Costa Rica, just as no person is perfect nor any church or denomination. But the atmosphere here in Costa Rica is daylight and dark different from the violent, gun-toting, racist, hateful United States. I am happy here and intend to stay, and hoping not too many more Americans move here – especially Evangelical-Republicans!    🙂

5 November 2020 – I did an anti-Trump/Republicans post yesterday and decided not to post this scripture passage I read yesterday First Peter Passage Describing Trump and His Evangelical Leaders like Falwell, F. Graham, McConnell, and Pence. So it is here as a sub-page to this. I decided it would just inflame evangelicals rather than being something to bring us all together.

I posted this video on my Facebook Page June 2, 2020 with a note about how outraged I am at this man who is the opposite of Christ is using violence to capture a church for a photo-op with a Bible that he neither reads nor follows, but disobeys daily:

Satan Personified

JANUARY 7, 2021 – MY FACEBOOK PAGE: Republicans: Please Un-Friend Me

NOVEMBER 4, 2020 – “Not My Problem”

JUNE 1, 2020 – Grieving the Downfall of America

JANUARY 26, 2019 – How Do Christians Fit Into the Two-Party System? They Don’t

NOVEMBER 5, 2018 – I Pray for America Today

SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 – Perfect Weather Here & Horrible Politics There

SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 – John McCain Gives Hope for America

I am trying to mostly avoid politics on the blog now because of the anger it stirs up in some people and that defeats the purposes of my blog, but it is hard not to speak up. But here in the depths of my web site I must explain how I feel about the extremely “Un-Christian” appearance or spirit that I feel when Evangelicals and Republicans support Donald Trump and their own hateful, right-wing prejudices. A day of judgement is coming to the United States, Evangelicals and Republicans – maybe sooner than you think! And it may be as a fall greater than that of previous world leaders like Rome, Greece, Egypt, etc.

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.   ~2 Corinthians 5:10

A question to conservative Christians on gay marriage: Why draw the line here? by E.J. Dionne Jr. ~Washington Post

Movement Wants to Make Southern Baptists Conservative Again, Christianity Today

American exceptionalism was our preexisting condition, article in Washington Post, July 23, 2020.

My faith was restored in Christianity Today magazine with their editorial Trump Should be Removed from Office on 20 December 2019. I of course agree with their conclusion and hope it influences enough blinded evangelicals to keep him from being re-elected! In my opinion, many “evangelicals” have quit being Christian (if they ever were) when they decided to follow Donald Trump instead of Jesus. I was dropping my subscription to CT but their editorial caused me to resubscribe for one year at least.

Once again a Washington Post Opinion article expresses my views or feeling perfectly and I copy it here on my site with my title:  Jesus wept. Or maybe just rolled His eyes,   the first line of the article titled by the Post as:   Evangelicals’ infallible new faith: The gospel of Trump.

I liked this New York Times Opinion article copied from a Presbyterian minister’s book. It doesn’t solve the problem, but it helps me to be keenly aware that I am political, like it or not, and with a focus on being Christ-like in all I do, including voting, I don’t have to worry about party loyalty:       How Do Christians Fit Into the Two-Party System? They Don’t

This Atlantic Monthly Ideas Article is a pretty factual reporting of what has been happening to Evangelicals even before Trump and not nearly as critical of the church as I am:  The Deepening Crisis in Evangelical Christianity

Here’s a Christianity Today Research Report that shares a lot of factual information about the huge decline in Southern Baptists today, none of which is a surprise to me:  Only Half of Kids Raised Southern Baptist Stay Southern Baptist

THE ABOVE ARTICLES ARE LINKED TO A PAGE ON MY SITE since news articles usually “time out” from their online locations.


Maybe WWJD is a good way to approach politics?  (For those not around in the 80’s and 90’s, WWJD = What Would Jesus Do?  Many teens (and me) wore bracelets with those initials as a reminder of daily behavior. A good reminder!     🙂

And of course it harkens back to a book of my youth and before with a similar message, In His Steps by Charles M. Sheldon, another foundation stone in my faith! And of course that classic book is still available on Amazon  with a Kindle Edition! And occasionally for free from various Christian organizations.

And there was a 1964 film that was in a limited number of DVDs that can also be obtained from   or on a few streaming sites.


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