West End 3rd floor landing balcony, La Muchacha & door to my apartment. |
Carved from one piece of wood, dated 2004. |
Looks like sun worshipping to me! |
You hardly notice it when you walk up the hill. |
West End 3rd floor landing balcony, La Muchacha & door to my apartment. |
Carved from one piece of wood, dated 2004. |
Looks like sun worshipping to me! |
You hardly notice it when you walk up the hill. |
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One view of our apartments while walking back from town. Far from a retirement home! |
Though the government talked in 2010 about creating “Jubilado Communities” like Retirement Communities in the states, it never materialized with most Ticos preferring to retire in place, stay a part of the total community and their extended family, says an article in La Nacion, the primary Spanish language newspaper here.
Of course there are North Americans who bought up property to create many gated communities of retired North Americans here, even in Atenas. I’m trying to avoid that. My apartments are gated for security, but we are not all gringo, not all retired, and not all old. I love the mix of peoples, ages, incomes, nationalities and the 300 meter walk to a real town! It is better than a retirement community! At least for me. We have two young couples who go to work daily, a couple of older working people, an unwed young mother with a 2-year old, a community of teenagers next door (New Summit Academy), and all ages of snowbirds. Who knows who will move in when the snowbirds go home in April and May for their summer? We are surrounded by Tico houses plus a church and shopping within walking distance! It is a good balance.
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Spiny-tailed Iguana in Downtown Atenas |
I’ve seen one on the apartment grounds, a female with a nest we think, but very skittish and never close enough to photograph. Today I saw this Spiny-tailed Iguana on the back side of ICE, the electric and cell phone company, on the base of their tower. It’s a cell phone image. There are three kinds of iguanas in Costa Rica, Green, Spiny-tailed, and Helmeted. On earlier trips I always saw mostly the Green Iguana and maybe a few spiny-tailed, but never a helmeted yet.
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Typical Costa Rican Lunch Fried sea bass, onions, peppers, beans, rice, fried plantains, plantain fritters, and salad. |
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La Trocha del Boyero, Atenas, Costa Rica Covered Outdoor Patios are the most common style restaurant here. |
And for Supper . . .
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Pink trumpet tree or Roble de sabana My apartment complex entrance is 100 meters to the left |
Walking back from town today I suddenly realized I was walking across the street from the tree I posted yesterday as shot from my balcony. It is located just after I duck my head to walk under this bougainvillea over the sidewalk (photo below). I’ll try to create an album of neighborhood flowers soon. There are many!
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Bougainvillea Arch over Atenas Sidewalk |
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Roble de sabana or Pink trumpet tree |
The Pink Trumpet Tree (in English) or Roble de sabana (in Spanish) and the scientific or Latin name of Tabebuia rosea is a popular flowering three for this elevation of the Central Valley hills of 698 meters or 2300 feet. This is a shot from my balcony of two of these trees in a neighbor’s yard. You can see a lot living on a hill! 🙂 I love the views from my hill and balcony! Remember a couple of weeks ago the orange flowering Poro Tree I shared? Those orange flowers are fading now as different blossoms appear elsewhere. After a whole year I should have a good flowering tree collection – Photos, smiles, and memories!
“You must not know too much or be too precise or scientific about birds and trees and flowers and watercraft; a certain free-margin, and even vagueness – ignorance, credulity – helps your enjoyment of these things.”
If I go to Alajuela to pick up mail at Aerocasillas or shop at Walmart, that is one day’s activity, usually just one or two things accomplished per day. That trip is usually a half day or more if I eat lunch in Alajuela. San Jose trips can take longer and I have combined the two cities for most of a day. Below is photo of bus schedule in Atenas for Alajuela & San Jose. I have this printed and on my refrigerator to check for when the next bus leaves:
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Crimson-fronted Parakeet |
Okay, this one was not photographed from my balcony, but on the powerline along the road in front of our apartments. It is actually as big as a parrot (there are many kinds) but it is officially a Crimson-fronted Parakeet, the very largest of all parakeets! For those who know parrots, there is a Red-lored Parrot, I know, with red on his forehead like this, but, the eye is different, he has a more narrow strip of red on forehead with blue above that. Details keep identification fun and challenging! My earlier post of parakeets flying over was a smaller and different Sulphur-winged Parakeet. Parrots and parakeets generally stay together in flocks, but this fellow seems to be a loner or at least this afternoon for awhile. I heard him sing as I walked under him, stopped and snapped on my way home from lunch.
And I did not do a post last night because internet connection was too weak when I tried. But I’m trying to stick with one photo and one subject a day and this not great quality, zoomed-in phone photo is my choice today because it is a new bird for me.
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An unusual Dry Season Rain moves over the mountains this afternoon. It was the first rain in my nearly 8 weeks here. Rainy Season starts in May. |
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Sunset Saturday Night – No two Are alike! |
All my maintenance issues were solved over a week ago and the management is really looking good for the apartment complex – but you know – even if they weren’t, I might want to stay here just for the views from my front porch! I’ve never had front porch views like this!
And if you start comparing and doubt they are all made from the same balcony, remember that I zoom in and out a lot AND occasionally use 3 photos merged, like the rain one at top here. For example, the large lone tree on the left in the top photo is the same tree barely protruding the skyline in the bottom photo, just smaller below. 🙂 Fun! Pura Vida!
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Billboard at entrance and in town advertising Atenas Chili Fiesta. |
This gringo-sponsored fund-raiser for Hogar de Vida children’s home is in its 8th year and a big help for the Christian home for abused and abandoned children in Atenas, down the road from my apartments. The chili cook off is a major event of the day, but as a parking and traffic cop I did not get to taste, vote or participate in the chili, the multiple concerts or the many vendors, games, raffles, bingo, etc. But I’m glad I got to be a volunteer helper and thoroughly learn one more Spanish phrase, “Directo y a la derecha.” (Straight ahead and to the right.) as I sent people to the parking lot or “parqueo.”
I did get a lunch break and tried Costa Rica BBQ Pork with coleslaw and baked beans, none of which is like we had in Tennessee, but good. The slaw was tangy and delicious, the beans so so, the BBQ sauce sweet and good, and the pork very good.
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A Motorcycle Club Came to the Fiesta And a lot of those dreaded Rich American’s SUVs. |
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The Famous Painted Oxcarts Add Color to Many Events Here Most Are Made & Painted in Nearby Sarchi Village And lots of taxis at left! |
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Red Ginger Flowers Along One of the Perimeter Roads I Worked Today. In someone’s yard! I frequently photograph yard flowers. |
This is one of, if not the biggest gringo event in Atenas each year. Though a lot of Ticos participated in producing it and attending, it was definitely a gringo event with Texans trying to dominate the Chili Cook Off and old white people in charge of everything. I finally met a lady from Nashville, Tennessee yesterday, my first to meet from anywhere in Tennessee. Fun! But I’ve already forgot her name! And I’m probably known for more for my accent than anything else here, at least among the gringos. At events like this I see people I know from all my circles now: the apartments, church, Spanish Class, and local Tico friends. So it was fun to be in the middle of it and start becoming a part of the Atenas community! There is a good chance I will stay here long-term.
Front Drive from My Balcony – Fountain by Manager’s House & Pool |
Today I stayed home and did laundry except for a training meeting for volunteers at the Atenas Chili Fiesta tomorrow. It started as a small chili cookoff by expats here in Atenas 8 years ago to raise money for Hogar de Vida, a Christian children’s home (orphanage) for abandoned and abused children just one block from our apartments. How neat!
Some Roofs of New Summit Academy behind My Apartment seen through our Bamboo Forest & Where I Photograph Birds! |
Another good day in Atenas, Costa Rica, where I keep finding good things happening in the land of Pura Vida! Pure Life!