Cloudy Time of Year

October is usually the wettest of the rainy season months (May-November)
And this year is therefore normal with rain every day in afternoon & evening or night.
With mornings sometimes clear and sunny, but the last week or so just cloudy. Early October.
Earlier this morning you could not even see the hills above for the clouds!
 Atenas, Costa Rica 
A week or two later photo with a Pacific front moving in.
We had very heavy rain with the beginning of Hurricane Nate that started here.
Then 2 or 3 weeks with very little rain and now it may be coming again. We will see!
This shot 25 October.
Atenas, Costa Rica

Mornings are very foggy . . .

Even as the sun comes up!  Though hard to capture in a photo! 

AccuWeather Forecast for Atenas  which is usually pretty accurate, though this week we did not get the quantity of rain they forecast. Now we are suppose to get back to normal afternoon showers until sometime in November when it fades away to the dry season. I prefer the greener rainy season!
Actually I rarely check the forecast unless traveling. It is what it is!  🙂

Eyelash Pitviper HAIKU

Yellow Eyelash Viper
Photographed at Manzanillo, Costa Rica
Haiku & photo by Charlie Doggett

Check out my Haiku Photo Gallery for more like this. Expect a book eventually!  🙂

Or if it is the snake you like, see my Reptile Photo Gallery for a few more.  

Good “Happiness” advice from Albert Einstein I read in The Washington Post today:
“A calm and modest life brings more happiness 
than the pursuit of success 
combined with constant restlessness.”  
~Albert Einstein
Supposedly he had no money for a tip after a meal and wrote this note to the waiter as his “tip.”  The note just sold at an auction for 1.56 million dollars!f Not a bad tip!  🙂
From Charlie, living a calm and modest pura vida in Costa Rica!

Conversational English Club

This is 12 of the 19 in the Conversational English Club meeting after school Mondays.
Optional, not required for very busy teens involved in sports, arts, etc. that sometimes conflict.
They are such a delightful group of kids, so friendly, kind, and respectful. Grades 8-11.
In January they will go as exchange students to a school in a Virginia suburb of D.C.
They are much like teenagers everywhere and yet different in a positive & cultural way.
I have come to love everyone of them!
Colegio Liceo de Atenas
Atenas, Costa Rica

See the school’s Cool YOUTube Video

The school’s Facebook page:   where you need to drill down to posts, photos, or videos to learn more about the school. This school is one more reason Atenas is a very special place to me! 
And oh yes, the one’s without uniform shirts changed as soon as school was out!  🙂  One reason for backpacks and lockers! And FYI, I’m the happy old man in the center of the back row.   🙂  ~Photo by George Holmes, my neighbor and helper in the club, made on my cellphone. Gracias Jorge!
Do you think they will go to Virginia speaking with a southern accent because of me?   🙂

NOTE: For those who read this and knew my artist neighbor Anthony Jeroski, who moved back to the states June 1. I just got word that he died July 16. No explanations. He made my garden art bird sculpture that I like so much. RIP Anthony.

Central Park, the Center of Atenas

Everyone hangs out at Central Park some of the time!
 Like these 3 men and boy who just road to town, stopping for 3 bottles of beer & a mug of root beer.
Central Park, Atenas, Costa Rica

They chose the one bar at the park instead of POPS Ice Cream Shop. It’s the cowboy way!   🙂
 Bar Punga – In Spanish “punga” means “very familiar, nicking, thieving, or pickpocket”
 Central Park, Atenas, Costa Rica

It’s an island of green in the center of town with trees, flowers, benches, playground, fiestas, celebrations, & people!
Central Park, Atenas, Costa Rica

The playground is always busy!
Central Park, Atenas, Costa Rica

A water fountain for a drink or spigot to fill your water bottle as this lady is doing.
 Central Park, Atenas, Costa Rica

The center circle radiates 8 sidewalks to all sides of the park.
All are lined with park benches full of gossip, romancing, reading…
and one leads directly to front door of the main Catholic Church.
Central Park, Atenas, Costa Rica

And this one leads directly to my bank!  🙂
 I try to walk through the park every day on my walks.
It is a simple blessing that I thank God for!
Central Park, Atenas, Costa Rica

Directly across from the full square block park you will find in addition to the above bar and ice cream shop, the courthouse, the municipal office building, one of our banks, several restaurants or places to get something to eat and drink, several clothing stores, one discount grocery store, an office building, a pharmacy, photography shop, bedding shop, the church, and I’m sure I left out at least one something!   🙂

And the interesting thing is that every Costa Rican town of any size has a Central Park in front of their central catholic church. The only layout difference I’ve seen so far is at Playa Coco (Coconut Beach) where their Central Park is the long boardwalk along their beach with the church facing it instead of a square block.

Multiple sub-galleries of photos are about Atenas in Charlie Doggett’s COSTA RICA gallery.

The Streets of Atenas

Shots on streets in Central Atenas that I walk nearly every day. And you will probably think our little town looks boring. Well I like it! Tranquil is my word! 🙂

Residential Street near one of the schools.
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

Central Market on left and a row of all kinds of shops on right.
 My office supply shop is there + where I sometimes get coffee & pastry.
 The red & black “CasaBlanca” & green building “Monge” = furniture stores.
The red cars are taxis at this main taxi stand.
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

Same street block as above photo but from other direction.
 Those steps on right lead up to Central Market & the Bus Station.
You can barely see the row of red taxis on the left in front of shops.
  Atenas, Costa Rica 

My favorite hardware store on right & bus station on left,
  except San Jose & Alajuela buses leave from building beyond hardware store. At blue bus!
  Atenas, Costa Rica 

Monge furniture on left, other shops then big yellow bldg. is “El Rayo,” our dollar store, cheap Chinese stuff!
 Then on beyond is my Columbiano barber shop and favorite pizza place, La Finca.
 If you keep going straight past the little evangelical church you will come to the apartments,
 Hacienda La Jacaranda that I lived in for the first four months. It’s still for sale!  🙂
  Atenas, Costa Rica 

From the intersection of those above streets looking toward main church at palms
with the Central Park across the street or on the left.
  Atenas, Costa Rica 

And standing in front of the church looking the other direction, east
The “Tribunal” or Court House on left and several businesses on the right
including La Caretta, one of my restaurants, and the little corner Cafeteria for coffee/pastry
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

A funeral leaving the big catholic church, walking to cemetery 5 blocks away.
 That corner round building, “Gollo” is another furniture store.
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

“Motos” or ever present motorcycles waiting on funeral. Most are driven by young men.
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

The front of the funeral procession.
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

City Hall on right & Central Park on left.
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

Banco Nacional (my bank) on left (blue & white) and Central Park on right.
 The red taxis are at one taxi stand. The other taxi stand is across from central market.
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

The same above street looking away from park and bank.
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

Last street before highway. ICE (electric company on left) and my favorite restaurant
Donde Bocha is on the right behind that truck with covered patio.
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

One of about 3 bars in center of town with many more out of town, some combo-restaurants, sports bars
 Atenas, Costa Rica 

Ruta 3 or Highway 3 running through town. My supermarket, La Coope
is on left down near the white truck and our only traffic light in town.  🙂
  Atenas, Costa Rica 

On the street in front of my computer shop, Unitech, and looking across a vacant lot
are the roofs of stores and the steeple of central church at center of town.
 Atenas, Costa Rica 
 Well, that was sorta like a virtual drive through Atenas, focusing on the streets. Maybe sometime later I will show what I consider the major businesses, though that could be a lot. We’ll see. 

Walking in Atenas  (mostly flowers & trees)
Vistas  (1st 3 sub galleries are of Atenas)
Atenas, Costa Rica (General, of buildings & people)
Charlie Doggett
Living the Pura Vida!
In a small coffee farming town in
the Central Valley
Atenas, Costa Rica

“Dia de las Culturas,” or “Day of the Cultures.”

Like in States and other places, “Columbus Day” 
has changed to “Day of Cultures” in Costa Rica.
The old guy’s band plays first, while . . .
Day of Cultures, Atenas, Costa Rica

. . . the young guy’s band waits off stage.
Sax, trumpet, trombone & drums compared to accordion, guitar, marimba.
 Day of Cultures, Atenas, Costa Rica

Lots of kiddie rides for every fiesta
Day of Cultures, Atenas, Costa Rica

And always a merry-go-round!Day of Cultures, Atenas, Costa Rica

And for no explanation I failed to photograph any of the many junk food booths and cheap Chinese plastic toys booths. Any holiday is an excuse for a carnival here! And like in the states, Ticos have learned to move many holidays to Mondays for long weekends! This holiday used to always be on October 12 but was on Monday the 16th this year. Schools, government offices, and some banks were closed, but not all businesses. There is no reason to celebrate Columbus here, even if he did name the country and our currency is named after him. Colon is Spanish for Columbus! Did you know that? 

Interesting thing is that while I was downtown I saw no activities related to culture as I have seen in past celebrations, like dancing, art, history, etc.  Hmmm.  These photos in a gallery.

When asked by an anthropologist what the Indians called America before the white man came, an Indian said simply, “Ours.” 

~Vine Deloria, Jr.

Tree Frog HAIKU

Haiku poem on photo made at Tortuguero, Costa Rica.
 by Charlie Doggett

Check out my Haiku Photo Gallery for more like this. Expect a book eventually!  🙂

Or if it is the frog you like, see my Amphibians Photo Gallery for many more.


Retire in Latin America?

And for those thinking about retiring somewhere in Latin America, I agree with Christopher Howard’s evaluation of the latest ranking from International Living magazine which I used at first but do not trust as they invest in property in places like Ecuador, then push it as the best place to retire. If you are even thinking about the possibility of retiring “south of the border,” you will find this article by Christopher Howard helpful:

I am thoroughly convinced that I made the right decision, not only with Costa Rica but also a small town in the Central Valley. But I am not pushing retirement here because I think there are already too many Americans here! Nor am I encouraging you do it like me, because we are all different with different goals. That said, I will be glad to answer questions or give my opinion about concerns you may have about retiring here or anywhere in Latin America. The economics depend on your lifestyle as do the specific location (beach, mountain, valley, city) and also the kind of services you require. I have visited Panama & Nicaragua twice each and like them both. Nicaragua wins on cost of living, while Panama is more developed and Americanized which is one thing I don’t like about it, though even it has a lower cost of living than Costa Rica. My best economic decision was to live without a car! Easy to do in Costa Rica! ¡Buena suerte! 

And oh yes, the question of do you have to learn to speak Spanish? The simple answer is “No.” But the many gringos who do not stand out like sore thumbs. You cannot fully enjoy the people and culture nor function effectively in the business, government and medical worlds here without speaking Spanish. I am a slow learner, but determined to learn and I get by in most situations, with fluency my long-term goal. And that is saying a lot for a 77 year-old! 🙂  Long term?  🙂

El Lago de los Cisnes – Swan Lake

A little girl gets her photo made with 3 of the lead dancers after the performance.
 Teatro Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica

I snapped this opening shot before the usher told us no photos!
 Teatro Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica

We were early, so pastry & coffee through that door in the lobby!
  Teatro Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica

By then there was this long entrance line that ran . . .

. . . all the way outside into second courtyard!
Oh well! Pura Vida!
  Teatro Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica

We were in “the nosebleed section” up near the top,
 but as they say, “All seats have a good view!”
  Teatro Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica

Our group of 31 enjoyed themselves near the ceiling!  🙂
 Teatro Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica

Waiting for bus in courtyard after the performance.
 Teatro Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica

Saying “Goodbye” after the mostly retiree expats exit bus at church in
Atenas, Costa Rica


As you enter the gate, on your left stands
 this statue of a flutist and behind her is
 one of Beethoven.
  Teatro Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica

And to your right is this bust of Chopin.
  Teatro Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica

Teatro Nacional  –  The National Theater,  1897
 A photo I made on an earlier visit.
 San Jose, Costa Rica

All photos were made on my Samsung Galaxy 5 Cellphone.

To see my “Trip Gallery” on this ballet trip:
 15 October – San Jose Ballet Performance

“It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer.”
Shana Lafleur

Zarcero – The TOWN/AREA

Farming Hills Surround Zarcero
 Zarcero, Costa Rica

Farming Hills Surround Zarcero 
 Zarcero, Costa Rica

Farming Hills Surround Zarcero 
 Zarcero, Costa Rica
Church & Central Park Topiaries are in Center of Town
 Zarcero, Costa Rica

They were setting up for a carnival/fiesta this day
 Zarcero, Costa Rica

Repaving Main Street
 Zarcero, Costa Rica
Cogwheel or Assassin Bug (Arilus carinatus)  
 on Steps of the Church 
 If I had a side view, the dotted line on his back 
 would be the top of a half-cogwheel. Cool!
 Zarcero, Costa Rica

This trip was made by public bus for about USD $4 
with some cellphone photos made through bus window.

 “Trip Gallery” now on my gallery site: 12 October – Zarcero
Or if you like the unusual bug above, see my:  Other Insects
And for a sneak preview of tomorrow’s post, see my trip gallery: 
Cuban Dancers doing “Swan Lake” in Costa Rica
Coming soon: Visit to Naranjo by next week  
  & in November Villa Blanca Cloud Forest.
From the traveling retiree in Costa Rica!
¡Pura Vida!

“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. 
I travel for travel’s sake. 
The great affair is to move.”