The park staff has finished everything for the playground quadrant except installing the new playground equipment which someone who knows says will be here in January. 🙂 Here’s the area of the playground with swings and monkey bars (or whatever) to go on that gravel area seen from two directions in these two photos.

¡Pura Vida!
My gallery of ongoing park renovations arranged chronologically with most recent on top. Slow but sure! 🙂
REPORT ON THE RECENT ART SHOW: I sold more than a thousand dollars worth of photos when all was tabulated, much better than I expected! And I was even more pleased with how many local readers of my blog I have, with many showing up at the art show, and buying something and asking for my autograph in one of my photo books! It is nice to have your work appreciated, even when it is a hobby in retirement! 🙂
¡Pura Vida!
“asking for my autograph” – You are loved and appreciated in the U.S. – and, now . . . internationally. The occupants of this house can’t wait to see a Costa Rican stamp with your picture on it.
Merry Christmas, Charlie. Enjoy the Pura Vida during the holidays!
🙂 You are kind as always! Now have a great holiday way up there in Tennessee! 🙂