Because I know there are several readers of my blog who are considering relocation to Costa Rica for retirement like me or other reasons, I must link to this article: Due Diligence when relocating to Costa Rica on the Live in Costa Rica Blog and Tour website. It is one of the best summaries I’ve seen yet of some basics which you must consider if you are even thinking about moving to Costa Rica.

And the feature photo at top is my shot of “Whale’s Tail Beach” Uvita from a plane.
My 3 Most Important Things to Do Before Moving to Costa Rica
First and maybe most important, he emphasizes the enormous benefits of the ARCR, Association of Residents of Costa Rica, the only organization designed and built to help expats move to and learn how to live in Costa Rica. At only $15 a year membership you get a website built with valuable information from years of helping people move here, plus a bi-monthly electronic magazine with article by expats living here now. Once the pandemic is over they hope to return to the monthly 2-day seminar on moving here which I can’t imagine anyone not having before a move here. ARCR seminar and personal services were the single biggest help to my successful move here. They even gave me a 6-month checklist of what to do month by month before the move to be ready.
Second most helpful thing to me was taking the week or 10 day “Live in Costa Rica Tour” by Christopher Howard that included the 2-day seminar by ARCR between the Pacific Coast Tour and the Central Valley Tour. And his blog/website is full of articles like the one linked above. Check it out!
Third of my priorities (not emphasized in article) is that I think you must visit the country at least 3 or 4 times before a move here. Again, recently, one of the readers of my blog told me he is thinking about moving here without a single pre-trip or vacation trip here. To be successful in a new life here, you MUST love the country like none other and become very involved in everything about Costa Rica, including learning the language. And for those planning to retire here, I think you should travel to some other countries you would consider retiring in and make comparisons! For me, I compared Costa Rica with Panama, Guatemala and Mexico and as a nature lover I was quickly won over to Costa Rica for multiple reasons. I can’t image moving to a place I had never visited, even once! 🙂 And along with a birding tour I took here, I took the Tour of Costa Rica which gives you “the most bang for your bucks” in a turn-key tour all over the country with all hotels, meals and admissions included in the lowest price of all the tours! It will help you fall in love with Costa Rica, I promise! It’s the best general tour of Costa Rica and included cultural programs at the dinners!
¡Pura Vida!
Thanks Charlie. As you know, it’s definitely been on my mind. I’ve appreciated your coaching previously when we’ve discussed this, and the article and your new comments remind me that this won’t “just happen..” sending you hugs from LA
Ellie, thanks for your kind words and remember that once you make the big decision – “it can happen!” And though “due diligence” seems like an overused phrase, that is what is required in the end.
You will know when you are ready! Now just make some more visits (when you feel safe traveling!). 🙂
HI. I noticed somewhere that it was written that you are connected to ‘Senior Adult Dancing.’ I have a particular interest in “Oldies,” Ballroom, and Latin dancing. I would appreciate your letting me know if these are currently going on somewhere.
Sheila, I don’t know where you got that idea, but it is not true. My main interest and hobby is traveling in and photographing the nature of Costa Rica, especially birds, which my photo galleries attest to: