Joys of Flight

Not only does flying save me time and tiredness but I nearly always get at least one surprise photo on the little 30 to 40 minutes flights over Costa Rica. This latest flight to Liberia and back gave me many photos, but just two special ones today: The above photo of a very tall  unknown waterfall with no roads around it! — My main prize! Saw it just south of Liberia and hope to find out its name, though I think it is isolated from tourists!

And again we fly over Atenas and I get a good photo showing much in Central Atenas (Central Park, church, schools) plus the roof of my house in the upper left corner to left of the little roundish cow pasture. The string of houses over the hill is Phase 1 of Roca Verde where I live near the bottom of the hill by cow pasture.   🙂

Flying over Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica.


“There is no sport equal to that which aviators enjoy while being carried through the air on great white wings.”
~Wilbur Wright, 1905

¡Pura Vida!


And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.

~John Muir

Day Vistas

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Sunset Vistas

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All from a week at Cristal Ballena Hotel, Uvita

See also my Ballena Trip Gallery  for ocean & river vistas.

Bonus Article

From the “Live in Costa Rica Blog”   —  What is the best way to do one’s due diligence for retiring or living in Costa Rica?

¡Pura Vida!

Perfect ending of a perfect day!

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. 

~Psalm 118:24 Living Bible

Photo above of sunset on Calle Barroeta, Atenas, Costa Rica tonight just before dinner with the Maizan’s. Below are some shots with Paul & Keri Maizan, their daughter Kara and her nanny at their vacation rental house in Atenas. We had a very nice Tico Dinner prepared by their chef of the evening Guillermo. A not-touristy vacation in Atenas!

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¡Pura Vida!


All round my cottage it’s still,

Rain clouds gather over the hill.

Evening brings another eureka,

As I thank God for Costa Rica!


See my gallery of HAIKU Nature Poems 

(though the above is not a haiku!)


And for evening sunsets, see my Vistas gallery.

¡Pura Vida!

Xandari – Room View

This is the view from my room after checking in around noon on a cool and rainy day. I have photos of the room I planned to share but too tired with 5.5 miles walking today. More tomorrow in a beautiful place connected to nature.

¡Pura Vida!

See my Trip Photo Gallery:  2018 Xandari Resort

Xandari costa rica   (their website)


Almost all of Costa Rica’s Energy has come from Renewable Sources for 4 Years Now  Interesting article in the online English-language Tico Times  –  Little Costa Rica is setting the standard for all you big countries!  🙂