Tico Toilet Paper

Sign in Su Espacio bano as in most toilets anywhere in Costa Rica.

Not nasty! Just practical! Anyone who has managed a septic tank understands or maybe you know someone who uses large wads of toilet paper that stop up even sewer lines. Stopped up plumbing is no fun! And I think most of the drain pipes here are smaller. So practicality trumps most sensitivities. Plus the bathroom trash cans (one by each toilet) all have lids and I keep a spray-can of Lysol by mine. No big deal anymore! But if you visit from the states, prepare yourself for this Tico custom.  🙂

The sign you will find in my apartment bathrooms.
At Farmers’ Market you buy your toilet paper from this enterprising couple.
Many public restrooms have no paper, so most women keep some in their purse.
But all restrooms provide a covered wastebasket for your used paper. 🙂

 In the Super Mercado many Central American made and branded toilet papers are available and sometimes you can get Scott Tissue, the only recognizable brand for North Americans. It costs about a dollar for one roll of 1,000 squares. (cheaper in large packages.) I’ve compared Scott and Nevax (a Costa Rica brand) and they are about the same quality and price and I’m moving toward supporting local products in when I can. 

Sorry if this column is offensive, but there is more to living in Costa Rica than photographing birds!  🙂

Or for something a little more spiritual, see my post in my “His Spirit” Blog titled: God, Teach me how to walk barefoot!