MAP By Saioa López, Lucy van Dorp and Garrett Hellenthal – López, S., van Dorp, L., & Hellenthal, G. (2015). Human Dispersal Out of Africa: A Lasting Debate. Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online, 11(Suppl 2), 57–68., CC BY 3.0,
All of us literally walked out of Africa at one time ancestrally and the paths taken greatly affect who each of us are. Because I participated in the National Geographic DNA Genographic Project I got a report on both my Maternal and Paternal paths out of Africa which are greatly different . . .
After saying last night’s post was the last from Tortuguero, I found the tree photos and just have to add one more Tortuguero post! 🙂
I did not focus on trees nor photograph all the neat and big ones seen in Tortuguero but here is a sample of the great variety of trees there and all over Costa Rica. Click image to enlarge:
River Rooted
Walking Palm
Tree Hosting a Vine
Limbs are Like Vines
Lots of roots
A Rainforest is Trees +
Dead Tree Hosting Lichen
Makes me think “Tropical Weeping Willow”
A Broad Base of Roots
Strange & Different Fruit
Many Types of Trees
Palmetto Tree ?
A Strangler Fig Tree Growing around another tree
Tree Hosting Moss
“Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky. ”
― Kahlil Gibran
For more tree and flower photos see my galleries called FLORA & FOREST
Just a tiny sample of the lush forests around Drake Bay & in the Park:
This massive root structure is on property of Hotel Aguila de Osa
Drake Bay, Costa Rica
Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica
Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica
Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica
Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica
Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica
Hotel Aguila de Osa
Drake Bay, Costa Rica
Mangoes on the ground for animals to eat or to rot
Common all over Costa Rica this time of year – We can’t eat them all!
Here on public trail through Aguila de Osa Hotel, Drake Bay, Costa Rica
Mango Tree
Along public trail
Drake Bay, Costa Rica
Public Trail Near Hotel Aguila de Osa
Drake Bay, Costa Rica
Park Trail, near Pedrillo Ranger Station
Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica
Bamboo at Aguila de Osa Lodge
Drake Bay, Costa Rica