Red-capped Manakins

I’ve seen this bird in only 2 other places (Maquenque Ecolodge & Corcovado National Park) and they were skittish and difficult to photograph, while here they were all around my cabin and in just 2 days I’ve had many opportunities to photograph several of them, like a big Manakin family or village! 🙂 I did not see any of them do their courtship dance, this time, the Michael Jackson moon walk shuffle across a limb, like I saw in Corcovado NP, but there were plenty in the trees to photograph.

Red-capped Manakin, Playa Cativo Lodge, Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica

Read about the Red-capped Manakin at that eBird link or see more of my photos of them in my Red-capped Manakin Gallery. It’s another cool bird found only in Central America! 🙂 Here’s a slide show of 6 of my shots . . .

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Goodnight from a Rainforest

Dark, damp, misting rain with no sunset as such but a trace of color as I eat my dinner at Playa Cativo overlooking the Gulf of Dulce on the Pacific coast of southern Costa Rica, while north of us Hurricane Bonnie is rushing across northern Costa Rica and Nicaragua and the handful of us here are thankful it didn’t veer south! 🙂

I saw and did a lot the first afternoon, but too tired to curate more photos now, so this rainforest report begins with a dark sky that will surely brighten as the week goes by. If not raining, I go on my birding hike at 5:30 in the morning and I got a head start with two pretty good photos today in the low light of a Great Curassow and a Scarlet-rumped Tanager.

And Of course I already like this place! 🙂 Later I’ll tell you about my beachside cabin and share photos from this nature-rich forest.

¡Pura Vida!

Playa Cativo Lodge Website